What's It Gonna Be pt.2

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Philip's POV

"We have to get mommy with Aaron."

"Mom's going to choose who she wants regardless of what we say. But I am rooting for Aaron." Grayson says.

We're all doing our homework now. Mom's downstairs with Aaron and that other guy.

"I wish there was another way to get Aaron and mommy together. But goodnight my brothers."
Danny goes to his room.

"Good night brother!"

It's just Grayson and I now.

"Mom deserves the best, ya know?"

"I know bro." I tell him. I hug him good night and leave for my room.

I go to check on Mom before going to bed. It's oddly quiet. Peaking around the corner, I see Mom and Philip sitting on the couch.

The other guy is standing in the doorway whispering.

"Please leave, Carter I have a headache."

"No! I'm staying right here until you take me back."

Aaron's holding mom, so close until the dude comes close to them.

"I want to know who she chooses between us."

"Man, if you don't....." a gun clicks and Philip is quiet.

"You really gonna kill because you can't get who you want?" Aaron asked.

"Nah. I ain't gonna kill you, I'm going to kill her. No one will have her."

Just as the trigger is pulled, Philip dives in front of mom and lands really hard on the floor.

My brothers come out of their rooms. "The police are on the way." Grayson informs me.


"Aaron!" Danny runs to him.

Danny's POV

"We're sorry Aaron."

"No need to be sorry, buddy. I'll gladly take a bullet for your mom. She has so much to live for. She has amazing kids. Most importantly she's got me."

"Aww." My bothers and I say. Mom's standing there in shock.

"You-you- got shot because of me. That's how I know I'm no good for you."

Aaron stands up so fast, I have to get behind Grayson from fear.

"Way to go mom!"

"What's it going to be, Amber?" Carter says.

"Apparently not you."

"Fine!" Is the last thing Carter is able to say as the cops arrest him.

"Go to the hospital, babe."

"Who you calling babe, mom?" My brothers and I ask. We already know.

"He's standing up. I'll meet you there. Take the boys with you."

"Huh?" I say.

Mom looks at me. "Go with Aaron. I'll be there soon. He's going to need some strong boys with him."


"Go Grayson."

Grayson's POV

I don't like leaving mom alone, but I reluctantly leave. In the ambulance, Aaron's smiling.

"You still gotta get through us." Aaron's smile disappears quickly. My brothers and I laugh.

"Guys I still don't think your mom's going to change her mind. I wasn't doing that to romance her. Well, kinda. I did it for you guys. I see how you adore your mom. She's special to all of us despite what she does it says. She has you guys to look after her and protect her."

"So you giving up?" I ask.

"No Grayson! Look at the corner. You just...." Philip says.

"What I'm saying is your mom is going to choose to do what she wants. Although, I gladly took this bullet for her, I just hope she chooses me and I want you guys to choose me too."

"Bring it in. We're all huggers."

The ambulance door opens and Aaron is rushed inside the hospital.

Amber's POV

I see my boys standing there watching as Aron's taken into the hospital. I need to check on them.

"Mom!!" Danny runs to me. Grayson and Philip follows.

"How was the ride?" I ask.

"Are you okay mom?" Grayson asks.

"I'm just in shock. Aaron seriously took a bullet for me. I have to make it up to him somehow."

We all walk into the hospital. I ask for Aaron's room.

"Are you a family member?"

"Mom, I want to see dad."

I look at Grayson. I see what they're doing.

We arrive at Aaron's door.

Philip opens the door and I rush inside. I begin to apologize because I truly am sorry.

"I'm going to be okay. The bullet hit My pin that I got from my dad. I just came to ease your mind."

The boys snicker.

"So you're not hurt. Or bleeding?"

"The bullet did sting when it hit my pin, but I'm good. Now who do you choose?"

I look at the boys. They all look elsewhere like they know something I don't."

"Aaron! You just got shot and you're worried about who I want."

"Yea. I am."

"You!" Something comes over me and I find myself kissing Aaron.

"Wow." I hear my kids say. "Get it mom!"

Amber has chosen!

Stay tuned to find out what happens!



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