Aron's New House pt. 2

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Phillip's POV

It's finally Friday!!!

As I'm dancing as I'm getting dressed for school.

"What is all this noise?" Knocks on my door.

"I'm just happy it's Friday Mom! I love you!"

"I'm happy It's Friday too. How's that project going?" She asks.

"It's great mom. It's due today, but Monique and I finished it yesterday. All she needed was some more ideas to write and all I needed was a good partner who actually wanted to do some work."

"That's great. Breakfast will be waiting for you and your brothers."


Amber's POV

Work, work, work.

My first client has called it sick, so I have some time to eat my breakfast.

"Hey, Dr. Amber." My assistant enters my office with arms filled with paper. I rush to help her.

"Hi. I'll take it from here. You can rest."

"I can?" I hear disbelief in her voice.

"Yes. First client canceled, so we have a hour."

"I've never been treated this nice while working for my previous bosses. Thank you."

"Welcome. Well, I treat everyone like they're someone."

"I see that everyday. You're never in a bad mood, unless one of your patients come in here acting like a fool, but even then you're calm."

"Yeah. Sometimes you gotta give what's being gave."

"Want coffee?"

"No thanks. Do you?"

"Not much of a coffee drinker."

"Okay," I begin to login my computer. "I'm very lucky to have a assistant like you."

"Aww. Guess I'll be getting to work now."

"Okay. Here you go. I need these in the file cabinet over there."

She starts working.

Aaron's POV

"Hey, can you order a new shipment of printer paper and ink?" I ask my assistant.

He's just coming in from his break.

"Yeah boss."

"Thanks. There's also a list of things I need on a sticky note on your desk."



"It's why I'm here, remember?"

"Really? Because I've seen you go above and beyond for everyone here. You help when you can."

He smiles. "It's what I do. Plus, I've seen your happy ass walking around with a glow." With that said, he sits at his desk and starts working.

"I got a new home! Thank you Lord.

My phone rings.

"Hey Aaron. Do you have plans tonight?" Amber asks.

"Yeah, but I can put them on pause for you and my boys. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you later then."

"Amber." She's gone.
I'm gathering everyone up to come see my house.

Rebecca and Jeremiah came freely. The boys are in the car with them. Amber.

This is why I came. I knew she wouldn't want to come because of how her brain is. "You never asked what was on your mind before hanging up, so I'm about to show you what I'm busy with."

"That sounds so naughty." She smiles a little.

"I just need you to come." She gasps. Bingo! "Sexually and right now."

I get her into my car, finally.

"Everyone, this is my new house." I say as I pull into my driveway. We all pile out excitedly.

I give them tours, but I keep one room secret. Some things gonna go down in there.

"What does everyone think?"

"Hell yea!" They all say. I laugh.

"You look amazing when you smile." Amber says.

"I almost told you something, but that can wait for later."

"What's happening later?" She asks.

"You and me. Naked." She inhales. I take the opportunity to kiss her lips.

"Thanks for coming!" I tell Rebecca and Jeremiah when I drop them off.

"You're welcome. And Aaron," Rebecca looks at me. "She just wants to be choked and told how pretty she is."

Oh wow.

"Yes ma'am." We laugh.
I take off of work tomorrow so I can move in. I've invited my assistant too.

Aaron's got plans for Amber.



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