Aaron's my man pt.2

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Amber's POV

"You can say no and miss out on the best orgasms that ever graced your body or you can say yes. I can teach you everything plus more or we could just stick to vanilla."

I look into his eyes which was a big mistake. His eyes are full of promise. "But I don't just want sex, Aaron."

"What do you want then, baby?"

"When you call me that, fucks my thinking up because you do it with a slur."

"Aww, he says. "I'll be back. Don't leave." He winks before leaving out the door.
After Aaron's gone, a well dressed lady comes into his office. She waits with me.

"Hi, I'm Refusia. Is Aaron around?"

"Hi. No. He stepped out."

"He always did have a thing for fat asses, but I believe I can change that."

What is she talking about? My Aaron?

"Excuse me, ma'am. I can't allow you to talk about the boss like that in front of me."

"And why is that? Isn't like he's going to do anything with you."

"Ma'am, I advise you to calm your voice."

"Or what!?" Ooh, Lord she's in my face.... You get her before I hurt her feelings up in here.

Refusia's POV

This bug ass tramp only wants to spread her legs for the next rich thing.

"Honey, it'll never work. You're too fat."

"No, honey." She laughs sarcastically. "You see, as big as he is, he'll break your honey ass in two painful pieces."

The door opens and sun walks in. "What the Fuck are you doing here?"

"See He needs a reminder, fat bitch."

Amber's just watching now.

"Security!" He yells.

"Yeah, have them come get the fat bitch."

"Actually, they're coming for you. You're supposed to stay 10000 feet away from me. Oh and by the way, I'd rather be Amber's than yours you selfish woman."

Aaron's POV

"Yeah! Aaron's my man!!!!" Amber yells as the police take Refusia away. He closes the door.

"Hi. She's an ex of mine. I wanted commitment and she wanted a fling. I wanted love and she wanted nothing but a child that she wouldn't care for properly. She's an addict."

"Yea," Amber says. "Of you."

"She's tried on many occasions to kill me. I'm surprised she didn't try then, but are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. About earlier, give me some time to think about it."

"Yes's ma'am."

"But Aaron, you are my man." I'm so happy to hear those words that I kiss her, softly at first.

Is this a step in the right direction?



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