Amber and Rebecca's Sickness pt. 2

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Amber's POV

I am not feeling well at all. I've called in sick. My stomach's hurting, I'm throwing up, and my head is hurting.

"Mom, we're here! We're not going to school."

"You have to boys."

"Not when our mom is sick. We heard you before it was time to wake up.

"You even woke Melissa." Phillip says. All of them climb into bed with me.

"Can one of you get Melissa? This doesn't feel right without her."

"Yeah mom." Grayson leaves the room. I run to the bathroom to throw up. Danny comes into the bathroom and just rubs my back.

Rebecca's POV

Jeremiah is going to fill in for me at work today. I'm not feeling too good. I've throwing up every since I woke up. My head hurts and my stomach.

My phone rings.

"Hey bestie!" It's Amber. She doesn't sound well either. "How's-" I can hear her running away from the phone.

"Hi aunt Rebecca!!" Danny says. "Mom's not feeling well."

"That's something because I'm not feeling well either."

"Someone needs to be with aunt Rebecca!!" The line goes dead after that.

My nephews are freaking out right now. Thirty seconds later there's a knock in my door. I open it to see Phillip and Melissa. Both of them have coats and boots on.

"I'm here Aunt Rebecca. My brothers are taking care of mom. I'm here to take care of you with Melissa."

I run to the bathroom to throw up before the finishes his sentence.

"She's going to be fine Melissa."

Phillip's POV

Melissa looks worried, so I told her Aunt Rebecca's going to be fine.

Grayson calls my phone. "Y'all alright bro?"

"Yeah. Aunt Rebecca's throwing up right now."

Melissa babbles something Grayson. "Be safe little sister and brother. Mom's been throwing up nonstop since y'all left."

"Well, it sounds like aunt Rebecca's going to come out the bathroom soon."

"Hi Aunt Rebecca!!!!" Grayson and Phillip yells.

"Hey boys."

"Get well aunt Rebecca, you and mom!"

"Sure thing, kid!"

Rebecca's POV

Phillip goes into the kitchen while Melissa and I sit silently. She crawls over to me with a toothless smile.

When she hugs me, I hug her back. She's so sweet like her brothers.

"Here you go aunt Rebecca. Two for you and one for us." Phillip places two plates on the counter.

Two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sit there. I happily take it. "Thanks Phillip."

We sit beside each other and eat in silence.

Melissa's going to town on her portion of the sandwich. I just smile and shake my head.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Well, you and mom are sick. We couldn't leave you two alone while both of you are sick. Plus, who would've taken care of Melissa? Mom's constantly throwing up. And she's been throwing up before we got up for school.

"Melissa and I are here. Did that sandwich make you feel better?"

"Yes—" I run to the bathroom, but I don't make it and throw up near the toilet. I'm on my knees, so before I throw up again, I crawl my ass to the toilet.
How do you guys feel about the boys skipping school?

Melissa's so happy.



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