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Monique's POV

Hi! My name's Monique. I'm one of Jeremiah's daughters.

Honestly, my dad is the best. He treats my sister and I like princesses. My sister's name is Monica.

Note that dad is getting out there again, I'm very proud of him. I have no idea where our mommy is at all, but dad's been taking care of us. I'm good with that.

When he introduced us to Ms. Rebecca, I was so happy. She's a really nice lady. I know both of them can throw down in the kitchen as well.

Dad always joked about dating to my sister and I. I think he and Ms. Rebecca will be great for each other.

I was paying attention to them when she came over and my dad was putty in her hands.

They work together, so I know she loves food just as much as my dad. My sister and I want her over again tonight.

This time, I'm going to ask if she can teach me some of her skills. I know a lot already from my dad, but it'll be nice to get a female's perspective of different food.

I think I'm taking a class with her best friend son.

His name is Phillip, I think. He and his brothers are super smart.

"Hey Monique." It's definitely Phillip. He and I are working on a paper together.

"Hey Phillip. I did the research last night and this is what I've got so far."

"Cool. Let's get started."

Danny's POV

Monique is cool to work with. I wouldn't choose anyone else in here to work with.

The rest of our classmates like to play and joke around. They're all trouble makers, but Monique is really smart. I had to ask to switch partners because my last partner expected me to do all of the work and just take credit for it.

"Hey, Danny. I write this extra piece for the project. Maybe we can get it in there somewhere. Have a look."

She hands me a piece of paper. I read it over. She does make s a valid point. "Let's see where we can slide this in."

"Thanks." She smiles. "I'll go check on the printer for us." She leaves.

"Hey Danny, can you give me the answer to this?"

"No. You should've been paying attention and studying."


"Class." Our teacher walks in. "Your projects will be due early tomorrow. There is a change in timing."

The teacher walks around the room to examine projects. Monique gets back just in time, so our teacher can read a little bit of what we have.

Monique sits beside me. She smells so good. I inhale and hope she doesn't notice that I'm inhaling her scent.

Monique's POV

"Did you just inhale my scent?"

"Yeah." He admits.
I laugh and it's almost time for our next class.

We've finished the project together.

Ms. Rebecca is already at our house when we arrive.

"Ready, Monica?"


We enter the house and hear laughter right away.

"We're home!"

"Hey girls." Ms. Rebecca stands to give us hugs.


"You girls ready to learn some tips? Your dads gonna sit and watch, and behave."

"Let's do it!"

When Ms. Rebecca passes by dad,I see him slap her behind. I giggle and pretend I didn't see anything. I look over at Monica and she's smiling like a goofball.

"They are so cute together." She says.

"Pajamas everyone! I bought everyone a pair. Let's put them on!" Dad hands out bags to all of us.

He already has his on.

"Dad!" Monica and I face palm.
He just grins at my sister and I.

"You can change in my room, Rebecca."
Monica and I look at each other, but go to change clothes.

These pajamas are really comfy.
There's nothing like spending time inside together!



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