If You Were Mine......... pt.2

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Three weeks later

Amber's POV

"Mom, you're crying again!" Grayson shouts. I didn't know I was crying is the sad part about this. I place my hands on my left cheek, and Sue enough my cheek is wet from tears.

Danny is the first to hug me, then Grayson, and Phillip comes last. All of their arms are around me. I wrap my arms around them then kid their heads.

I like everything I know about Aaron so far, but I had to do what I had to.

Grayson's POV

This isn't right. It's clear mom is too sad about Aaron or whatever happened between them.

"Hey Grayson," Danny comes into my room. "something ain't right and I don't like it. It's clear Aaron really likes mom, and mommy him. We ain't never seen her smile that much at anyone or with anyone besides us."
We're staying at one of Phillip's friends house tonight.

"I know. All she knows is being around us. She's been through a lot, buddy. I really like Aaron."

"Me too. Good night Grayson."

"Good night brother." Danny covers himself up with cover.

I try reading before going to bed, but Aaron is on my mind. I don't even have his number to call him. Damn.

I wonder how he's taking things. If he's anything like mom, he isn't doing too well.

Good night.

Aaron's POV

I'm still here at the club. I've had drink after drink.

"Damn, I've never seen you drink this much." The bartender says as he takes my glass that I was about to pick up.

"Yeah, me either." I say honestly.

"What's going on?"

I can trust him, so I tell him.

"Sprung!" He says. "I thought I'd never see a woman get you so hung up on her after your ex.
I'm glad you got back out there though."

"That's the thing," I look at him, "I wasn't looking or expecting to get attached to her."

"Damn, man attached? You've never used that word. I will tell you this, my wife was the exact same way."

"Wow, you're married?" I ask. Shock is written all over my face.

"Yeah, speaking of which our anniversary is tomorrow. It'll be four years."

"Congrats. I don't think I'll ever find a wife or get married."

"I don't know about that Aaron. The way this special someone got you drinking, I beg to differ."

"How you figure?"

"Man, I've stood over there and watched you chug tequila with lime fourteen times back to back. She's pretty special, huh?"

"Yeah. She has the most amazing kids I've known too."

"All I call say I'd give her time, but don't stop pursuing her if you're serious. My wife was similar in the dating faze. Speaking of my wife, there her sexy ass is now." He nods in her direction.

His wife comes over to him once she spots him.

"Hey, honey. How's it going tonight?"

"Things are good. This is my friend, Aaron."

"Hi Aaron. I'm Patricia."

"Hey. Go talk to her."

"Patricia is also a mental therapist."

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