Part 5

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What an eventful month it has been. Normally I'm not that busy but the day after the party the whole family came to talk to me. Apparently they want me to get a boyfriend. A prince in fact. Theres no good looking princes about. I told them that and they tried putting me with Boris Johnson's son milo. I said no. He looks like one of those people who would sell your organs. It was a no for me. They have been trying different people to put me with. Been on about twenty dates this past month and it was a no from me. Oh and guess what. Today was my birthday so they have all planned another bloody party and invited plenty of men so i can try and find a boyfriend. If i had my way i would go out in the street and find a normal boy or even better make my new body guard fall in love with me. Oh my gosh not going to lie i cant stop thinking about Robert.

"Ella are you awake darling?" I hear gran say from outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah come on in" i shout.

She walks in with her walking stick and frowns at me. She looked beautiful i had to admit. She was in a gold dress with a golden coat over the top.

"Happy birthday but How come you are not dressed?" She asks.

"Thinking about what to wear" i lie.

"Wear something that stands out. Come on we are finding your future husband tonight" she jokes.

"Cant i just be single? Come on I'm sure i will bump into my soulmate sooner or later i don't actually want to spend my birthday flirting with boys or men that i don't actually want to be with" i say standing up.

"What about prince archi from Greece? He is coming tonight why don't you try and sort things back out with him. He seems like a gentleman who would treat my little princess right" she smiles lightly.

"I don't know. Maybe i will" i say.

Maybe i could try it with him again. He has been my best relationship so far. Or maybe i can just pretend to like him the most so the whole family can stop pushing me to get a boyfriend.

"Good. Now Ella please get dressed for me" she says.

"Yes grandma" i smile.

"Oh and also your bodyguard Richard I'm sure he has the hots for you" she smirks.

"Nobody says the hots anymore granny and also he is off limits and just to let you know it's Robert not Richard . I will never go for him" i say. "Buttt how do you know?" I ask.

"He looks at you with stars in his eyes i can see it. The jealousy he has when he sees you on the dates. Like you said though he is off limits so stay away. Achi is waiting" she says shutting my door.

Ugh why do i have to be royal. If i had my way i would flirt my way in with Robert. Make him my boyfriend. Have him in my bed every night. Oh my i wonder what he is like in bed. I think he is rough. He is probably big too. The way his hands would snake around my naked body and- oh my gosh Ella shut up.

I look in the mirror and i had blush to my cheeks again. I feel all flustered too. I stand up and walk to my bedroom window where i see Robert standing in his room well on his balcony on the phone. I wonder if he has a girlfriend or wife or even kids. No he said he didn't have anyone. Wait who is he on the phone to then? Work? His boss?

"See something you like?" I hear kate behind me.

"Jesus kate don't scare me like that" i laugh.

She walks over to the window and looks at me with a smirk.

"You have to admit he is incredibly hot. Its a shame that you cant have him" she says.

"Yeah well i have plenty of men apparently in my party that granny wants to put me with. Im dreading it kate. She put me up with milo johnson. Now that is messed up" i say.

She laughs and smooths my arm.

"You will find someone one day chick. Now come on stop drooling over your super hot body guard and get dressed" she smirks.

"If William heard that.." i start.

"I didn't say anything. Now come on" she laughs.

I roll my eyes and i go behind my changing suit and i get changed into:

I roll my eyes and i go behind my changing suit and i get changed into:

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"Woah. You will pull every boy going in that party. Don't let Elizabeth see how short it is though" she laughs.

"Its my birthday I'm aloud. I may be a princess but some princess's can be little she-devils. I mean look at ana off frozen. She wanted to marry  a guy that sung a song with her and pushed her into a boat with a horse" i joke.

"Sometimes i wonder where did you come from" she says shaking her head.

"Okay that was rude miss middleton" i say.

"Im sorry your highness. I wont do it again" she jokes and curtsies.

I shake my head and i hook my arm onto hers as we walk though my bedroom door and to my surprise i bump into my bodyguard.

"Oh speaking of the devil. You two can walk together now as she got her ho-gaurd with her. I will meet you down there" kate smirks.

I give her an evil look and she blows me a kiss and walks away.

"Talking about me was you?" Robert smirks.

"All good things. Just saying that I'm starting to grow on you as my security" i smile.

"Well thats a good things. Happy birthday again your highness" he says taking my hand and kissing it.

In school if my crush did that to me i would melt and say i never want to wash my hand. Back then i wasn't really a princess well i was but you get me. Right now i want to feel like i dont want to wash my hands again but that would be very unhygienic.

"Why thank you. You have said it around four times today though" i laugh.

"And i mean it. Now are you ready to go and flirt your life away to find your future husband?" He smirks.

"Not really but queens orders. Lets go" i say.

He chuckled but i could see in his eyes he didn't want me to. And also I didn't want to either but like i said queens orders. So lets get this night done out of the way shall we.

Hello my beautiful people. I know i don't think kate would act like this in real life but i just found it fun to make the royal family i little less royal shall we say. I know i have put them slowly wanting each other so soon but i have a way with my methods just you watch :)

But i hope you are enjoying it so far.

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