Part 47

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Crying, nappies, hardly any sleep, milk from my boobs, family visits. Yeah the past three weeks have been hectic but touch wood it has calmed down this past fourth week. Ari is now a month old. Its mad how fast time goes. One minute i was getting transferred out of hospital and the next its a month later. Everyone has been helping out though. Robert has been absolutely amazing but i do feel sorry for him as of both of us having hardly any sleep we are arguing well not huge arguments but who the next to change the nappy and Who's go is it next to see to the baby at 3am. She has been good though this last week as she hasn't been grizzly as much and she is staying in bed until 7am. Can't complain with that

Right now she is in her vibrating drinking a bottle of Milk. I was reading my book laying on Roberts lap while he was reading his emails.

"Enjoying the book or are you enjoying watching me more?" He asks not taking his eyes off his phone.

"How did you know i was looking at you?" I ask.

"I can see through the bottom. Your beautiful blue eyes staring at me" he says smirking.

I hear the bottle drop and i shoot my head down to see that the baby was playing with her soft book and had finished her bottle. I sat up and i unstrapped her and picked her up. I sat down on the sofa next to Robert with her and i start winding her but she burped and was sick over Roberts trousers on his crotch area.

"Daja vu to when i leaked on you" i laugh.

"Do you wanna know something funny. Its the same trousers" he laughs.

"Wait really?" I ask.

"Yeah. Like mother like daughter" he smirks.

"Speaking of mother like daughter it has nothing to do with it but my father was asking me Tuesday for me and you to start planning the wedding" i say holding the baby so she was laying in my arms.

I start patting her bum lightly and swaying her a little. (Not in a harmful way. Its how we used to get my little sister to sleep).

"Well how about we plan it now? Its the only time we have had to do it" he says.

"Sure. Can you get my laptop please. Its in the meeting room" i say.

"Of course princess" he says.

He stands up and walks out of the room. I look at the baby and she was nearly asleep. I keep doing what im doing and i place the dummy in her mouth. She sucks on it and i smile at the sight.

Robert comes back in with the laptop and we log onto it and pull up a PowerPoint.

"If we write down ideas and then we can see which is the best" he says.

"Good idea" i say.

"So when is the wedding going to be?" he says.

"Well i was thinking doing the wedding next month if you want" i say.

"Of course. I cant wait to marry you. If i had my way i would marry you tomorrow" he smirks.

"Too soon" i laugh. "Also its going to be in November so we could have the wedding in westminster abbey. Thats where my brothers got married" i say.

"Perfect" he says typing it down.

We carry on talking and it ended up with we were having our wedding in westminster abbey. The men and boys were in royal suits and the girls were going to be in white plain dresses. The guests had to wear black suits for the men and lilac for the ladies. The after party would be in windsor castle like always and we would have a honeymoon in a log cabin Switzerland for a week. We had rang william and kate and they agreed to look after the baby for a week in December for us to have it. From the 1st of December until the 7th of December.

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