Part 53

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What a quiet day. No Paul as he was out for jacks birthday. No baby as i was painting and williams and kate took her and their kids to a place centre but also No robert as he has gone out training for the day. The guards though have been checking up on me and I wasn't exactly going anywhere today as i was painting the living room again. It was looking grubby so I decided to give it a make over. It was only white but it was going to look fresh.

I was currently painting the wall when i hear my phone ringing. I groan as it stopped my music and i walk over to it and it was harry.

Me- hello?

Harry- hi. Right you are good with cooking right?

Me- yes? Why?

Harry- me and megan are cooking and we are having chicken. Do you have to destuff the chicken before putting it in the oven or just put it in?

Me- really? Did you seriously just ask that?

Harry- yes. Megan says to destuff it but wont that take the chicken inside out?

Me- you have to destuff it harry. You cant eat whats inside or you can but its not a good thing.

Harry- okay find. MEG YOU WERE RIGHT

MEgan- im always right.

With that i hear the front door open but i think nothing of it.

Harry- okay fine. Im not a good cook you cant blame me. Anyway why have you got paint on your face?

Me- im repainting the living room.

Harry- oh that did look a little dull. What colour?

Me- bright orange

Harry- what? You better not be.

Me- im joking its white. Why would i paint it or-

I start the sentence but stop. I look up and Robert was stood there full of blood. My face drops and i go speachless.

Me- i got to go. Speak later

I hung up and Robert walks away. I follow him and he walks to the upstairs bathroom. When i walk in he was shirtless and he had a cut on his side which was all full of dried up blood.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Its nothing honey. Dont worry about me. Are you okay?" He asks looking in the mirror.

I walk towards him and he had a black eye and a busted lip too. This didn't look like army training. I smoothed his cheek with my thumb and he holds my wrist.

"Please. What happened?" I ask.

"Someone attacked me. Not a clue who he was or what he wanted but he punched my face twice. Once in the eye and once in the lip and he had rings on thats why my face is busted. His friend then stabbed my side. I didn't care i have done through worse but he said your name and i shot him. The police turned up after that" he says.

I start to cry and he pulls me to his chest.

"Im okay princess. Don't cry. Im always okay" he says.

"Sit" i say pointing to the toilet.

I wipe away my tears and he puts the seat of the toilet down and sits on it. I take the cloth he was using and i place it on his cut on his side and wipes it clean. He flinches a little and i smooth his arm for comfort.

"Be my big brave boy" i joke.

He rolls his eyes and i put his hand so he is holding the cloth to his cut on his side. I walk over and get a clean cloth and i clean up his face. He was looking me in the eyes when doing this making me weak to the knees.

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