Part 22

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A week later and it was a sunday. Im still trying to get the fact that my gran wants me to be queen out of my head. Im growing on the idea as i want to be exactly like my mother she was my role model and she would of made a brilliant queen. My gran though nobody well ever too her. Since last week my gran all she has done is smile when she sees me and Robert together. Im sure she know something is going on between me and him but isn't saying anything.

Im currently sat in the main room with Robert. He is on his phone and I'm reading. Well i say reading i am reading but my mind is wandering over to Robert. He is in black smart trousers with a white plain shirt and a black blazer. He hasn't got a tie today which is making him look hotter. He is sat on the chair with a straight back and his legs open a little which is showing his bulge and its making my mouth water just looking at him.

"Ella" i hear grans voice behind me and I genuinely nearly jump out of my skin.

"Gosh you scared the living day lights out of me then granny" i laugh.

"Well if you wasn't staring at your bodyguard then maybe you would of heard me coming" she says.

I turn around and she gives me a little smile. I turn to face Robert and he smirks at me.

"Mr Downey can i have a word with Ella Alone for a minute?" She asks.

"Of course your highness" Robert says with a gleaming smile.

He leaves the room and gran sits down and places her walking stick next to her on the sofa.

"Im not getting any younger and neither are you. Tell me the truth. You are in love with that man Ain't you?" She asks.

"What? No thats silly" i say.

"Ella elizabeth Windsor. Please Don't tell fibs to me love" she says taking my hand in hers.

"Well so what if i was? I couldn't do anything about it anyway. You wouldn't approve of me dating him" i say looking at the ground.

"I do approve. He is a lovely man with a heart of gold. I know that he protects you and i know that he would make a wonderful Prince" she says smoothing my hand.

I look up at her and she gives me a smile.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes of course. I seen you in the kitchen Last Tuesday with him and you two were laughing and joking and Even shared a kiss and i know from that kiss that it wasn't your first kiss with him" she says.

"Well its not our first kiss. Granny i was just scared im sorry i lied and kept it from you but im just afraid to what everyone will think of me. Im supposed to marry someone who is cut out to be royal. What is the family or even the people of this county going to say?" I ask.

"Im the queen of this place sweetie and i can ensure you that Robert would fit into our family perfectly. You two are meant to be. Im not just saying it because you have admitted it i have always thought good of him. Who cares what everyone else thinks its what you think matters" she says.

I lean over and hug her and she hugs me back lightly.

"Now go and tell Robert that he will be joining our family Sunday dinner today. We will be having it in windsor" she says.

"Okay" i reply.

She stands up and leaves and Robert comes back in and sits next to me.

"Im scared. She just smiled at me and said to treat you right. What happened?" He asks.

"Uh yeah she knows about us kissing and things. I may of said that i am in love with you and don't be surprised if she tells you that you will be my prince. She has already welcomed you into the family" i laugh.

"Oh well thats good because you know princess i am in love with you too" he says smiling.

I smile back and he leans in and kisses me. My hands go to the back of his head and i play with his hair while he cups my face.

"Perfect. Just perfect" i hear grand voice behind us.

"Yes i agree your majesty" Robert says.

"Like i said don't go breaking my little Princess's heart or you will have me to deal with" she says waving her walking stick around.

"You don't have to worry about that" Robert smiles.

"She was too busy kissing you to tell you but you are invited to our family Sunday dinner. I will be leaving here a little earlier than 3pm. Dinner is served at 3:15pm. And Ella for the love of god don't forget your crown this time" she says.

"I wont granny" i smile.

"Good now im going for a nap. I shall see you later" she smiles.

She leaves and Robert laughs.

"She does scare me a little" he says.

"You and me both" i laugh.


We were now sat with everyone and lets just say i would rather be in bed watching a film or back at the palace baking. Everyone is arguing over all sorts of different things and my head is pounding. I was just sat there minding my own buisness eating my dinner.

"Ella back me up here" harry says making my head turn towards him

"What? Dont get me involved with this" i say.

"Yeah its not her problem" william says.

"What? Not her problem? How she is involved with this family it should be her problem too" harry says.

"Now now. Cant we just have a family dinner where there is no arguments" gran says.

I feel something on my thigh and when i look down Roberts hand was on there.

"Are you okay?" He whispers.

I nod and he smooths his fingers across my thigh. I take a breath in and i play with my fork in my hand. My appetite has gone.

"Am i making you nervous darling?" He asks next to me.

"I need to get out of here. Im going to pretend to faint" i whisper.

"What dk you me-" he starts.

I cut him off by falling off my chair and onto the floor. I close my eyes and everyone panics.

"Call an ambulance im sure she hit her head" harry says.

"I will check her over. I was in with the first aiders in army. I think i should take her back though" i hear Robert say.

"Thank you mr Downey. If she has any pain let my nurse know" gran says.

"I will" Robert says.

I feel him lift me up and i just lay there motionless. I start to open my eyes and Robert shakes his head and tries to hold back a laugh. He takes me outside and lays me flat on the back seats of his car. When he gets in he drives off and i sit up.

"Im sorry they were doing my sweeding" i say.

"Uh what does that mean?" He asks.

"Doing my heading" i laugh.

"Oh. Did you actually hurt though? I need to make sure" he says.

"No not at all" i smile.

"Good actress then" he smirks.

"Alwyas an actress mr Downey" i say.

"At least that means i can be dr downey all night now" he winks.

"Well yes. Nobody can complain" i say.

We arrive home and lets just say my actress skills were amazing. He even kissed me better.

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