Part 12

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I have to admit this isn't as bad as i thought it would be. Its another free day that i have here and its quite relaxing. I was sat in a cute little pink dress as it was quite warm today and a white blazer to go on top. I was looking through my instagram until Robert walked in.

"Afternoon princess" he says smiling.

"Afternoon Mr Downey. To what i owe this pleasure?" I ask

Ever since the pool scene I haven't stopped thinking about him. The way his fingers were inside me and his hands on my hips. His lips on mine. Oh gosh i didn't even feel like a princess then. But its two days after that and im still trying to get over it.

"Well i was wondering as we have some busy days coming up. Well you have this might be the only day you have free and its sunny so i was thinking how about a drive around and a little walk around a lake that i have found on this map i was reading. Apparently its not very popular as its tucked out out town but im sure we could make light of it" he asks.

"Okay. Sounds adventurous. How far away is the lake?" I ask.

"Its around an hour away from here. I have google mapped it and seems easy" he says.

"Okay. Let me go and change into different shoes and i will meet you by the entrance" i smile.

He holds his hand out to me and helps me up and we walk separate ways. Me to the bedroom and no clue where he was going. My foot was much better still a niggle from time to time but not as bad as it was and hey i can walk on it now. I decided to grab a book as well and it happened to be birthday girl. Its an amazing book and I'm half way through. Might as well read some more while we drive for an hour.

I changed my shoes into some trainers as i only had heels and i was not wearing heels to walk around a lake and i grabbed my book heading towards the front entrance where robert was stood there.

"Well princess you are looking gorgeous" he smirks.

"You seen me five minutes ago" i laugh.

"I didn't say it then so I'm saying it now" he smiles.

"Oh why thank you Mr Downey" i smile.

He opens the door and guards were standing outside so we walked down casually and he opens the passenger door for me and i climb in. He walks around to the other side while i put my seatbelt on and he climbs in doing his. His masculine scent fills the car and i sigh at how beautiful the smell was. He puts the car into drive and he pulls off.

I open my book and i start to read but Robert speaks.

"I have made a little picnic for us. If you don't want it you can be honest but i have two blankets and snacks and drinks. I thought it would be nice to have a normal day. You know as you said sometimes you said you like to have a break from being royal once in a while" he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Robert i have to admit i feel like a princess around you but not a real one. The way you treat me is like a normal girl that you are trying to treat like a princess. I love it. I love the way you make me feel. Its just unfair that when we go back to london its gonna change" i say flicking the pages in the book.

"Princess. Things will never change. We will have to just be careful. If we start to feel like someone is catching on then we will put it to an end but you are perfect in every way its just unfair that we cant be together. How about we count this as our practice date?" He asks with a smirk.

"Sounds perfect" i smile.

He nods and i go back to reading my book. I read a couple of pages and it started to get really smutty. I try to keep a straight face but I couldn't help but move in my seat and bite my lip. The scene was perfect. I could feel my cheeks burn up and Robert chuckles. I look over at him and notice we had stopped in a red light and he was looking over my shoulder.

"Hey!" I say shutting the book.

"If you ever want me to repeat that scene you can tell me" he winks.

"Thought you said you didn't want to have sex with me?" I say.

"Its not that princess. You know that. I would lay you down in the back of the car now and make love to you but if i start i know i wont be able to keep my hands off you. I will get addicted like i have said before" he says starting to drive again.

"I understand. Maybe we take it slow" I suggest.

"Oh definitely princess" he says.

I smile to myself and i carry on reading. After another forty five minutes we stop in a car park. He was right there was nobody around. The car park was empty but im not sure why. This place already looked stunning and we were only in the car park. Robert gets out of the car and by the time i undid my seatbelt he was already opening my door for me.

He held out a hand and i took it. The smell of mud and trees filled my nose and i loved the smell. A little weird i know but its a nice smell. He closes the passenger door and he opens the back door and grabs a bag out. I could see drinks and food in there so i knew it was the picnic.

We started walking side by side and it was like romance film. His hand brushes against mine while we walk and he attaches his fingers to mine. We take a little walk around the lake and we find a beautiful place to place the blankets down. It was looking at all the scenery. I still find it hard to believe that there is nobody around.

We place the blankets down and sit on them and Robert pours us some drinks while i place the food on the spare blanket.

"Thank you for this. This place is beautiful" i say looking around.

"I thought you would of liked this as a treat from being a princess" he smiles

"When you first started i thought i would hate you but now I realise that i was being stupid you have a heart of gold" i say.

"Well I didn't want to do this job as such. When my boss in the army asked me i thought about saying no but at the time i was scared of my boss so i agreed and i faked if with you the first few days pretending to like it. Now i see that i bloody love this job. I get to be with a beautiful princess all day everyday and i get paid well" he smirks.

"Thats cute. Tell me about life in the army" i say.

And that's what he does. He explains about his life in the army and we eat the food. His life was a mix of emotions i cried, laughed, gasped and gave him weird looks throughout this conversation.

"So did you ha-" i start but i was cut off by Robert leaning in and kissing me.

I happily kiss back but he hovers over me and i head voices

"Just keep kissing me and dont show your face. I really cant be arsed for paparazzi unless you want to see them" he says.

"No i see enough of them" i laugh.

He kisses me again and my head was hidden behind his body. His tongue was doing wonders and i was gasping for air but I couldn't care less he could take all the air out of my lungs and i would still say thank you. I realised that the people had gone but instead of pulling away i sat up making him go back to his blanket and i straddle his lap.

"Well well well it looks as if you have found a new throne" he smirks.

"I never had a throne in the first place robert" i laugh.

"Well princess now you do. You can sit on this throne any time you want" he says smirking.

"Oh shush but i understand what you are saying. We have kissed and now all i want to do is keep kissing you. You are addictive" i say.

"Remember take it slow" he says.

"Oh i am" i reply.

He leans in and kisses me again and i was in heaven. This man was a god and i want to worship him.

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