Part 51

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I was much better. Today we were coming home from the honeymoon though. Back to being a queen again. Its fun being queen but it is nice to have that break from it all. Although Robert was treating me like a queen but not in a royal way.

"Well i need to know as soon as possible. This cant keep going on. Keep me updated" Robert says walking into the room on his phone.

He places the phone into his pocket and pours himself a glass of orange juice.

"Everything okay?" I ask walking towards him.

"Nothing to worry about. What time is the jet?" He asks.

"It takes off whenever" i say.

"That isn't an answer Ella. When is the Jet?" He snaps.

I was shocked by his words and tone of voice he never takes attitude.

"When do you want it to take off?" I ask looking down to the floor.

"Fucking hell just say a time. Its not up to me you are the queen of this place not me" he says throwing his phone onto the bed.

"Take off in an hour. Make sure you are ready" i say walking into the bathroom.

"Im ready. I will meet you at the airport. I will ask someone to take you" he says grabbing his things.

"Well if you wait ten minutes i can come with you" i say.

"No take your time. You say ten minutes and it leads to forty five so i will meet you there" he says.

"You are supposed to be my bodyguard. You ain't supposed to leave me" i get snappy.

"Im your husband not your bodyguard and i have too many things to sort out with work. Look its no hardship just meet me at the jet. I will be fine" he says walking out of the room.

"But i wont me" i mutter under my breath.

What the fuck is wrong with him. God if any of my family found out he left me alone to meet at the airport without any security he would be kicked out of the job. Yes im a big girl i can handle myself but not when theres gonna be thousands of people.

I started packing my last bag and the door opened again.

"Its me" i hear Roberts voice.

I didn't say anything but he walks into the bathroom and he stands next to me. I look up into the mirror and he was looking at me.

"Im sorry. My head isn't screwed on today. I got to my car and thought what the fuck am i doing. Im sorry" he says.

He sounds and looks stressed. I wrap my arms around his waist and i hug him.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Work. Well not the bodyguard thing and im sorru about that too. I haven't quit on you but its my actual training boss. He expects me to train for three months straight and apparently theres someone out there to get you" he says.

I look at him shocked and he shakes his head.

"We dont know for sure but apparently someone has been keeping files on you. Im fucking stupid thinking i could just leave you" he says.

"I mean yes it would of been stupid because my family might of killed you if they found out but at the same time i know you are stressed. But what do you mean they are keeping files on me?" I ask.

"What im saying. Theres someone who got information on you and keeps getting more each time. I dont know what information but they are" he says.

"Im sure its just someone trying to scare us. Im nearly ready i just got to brush my teeth and i will be done" i say smiling.

He smiles lightly and he leaves the bathroom. I clean my teeth and place the toothbrush in the bag and then i head back into the main room.

"You ready?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he smiles lightly.

He helps me with the bags and we head out the door and to the car. It was freezing today i had to admit but luckily it wasn't snowing. We packed the car and drove to the airport.


We got home at 6:38pm. We were now waiting for william to bring back ari. I couldn't wait to see her precious face.

"Why is there a cooked chicken in the fridge?" Robert asks.

"God knows. Paul has been staying here keeping an eye it's probably him" i say.

"Gone home has he?" He asks.

"I have offered the other part of the palace where my grab used to live but he likes his house. Its always open for him" i say.

With that the door opens and william walks in with ari in his arms.

"Well hello mr and mrs downey" he says smiling.

"Hey" i smile.

He hands ari over and she lets out the most beautiful smile ever.

"Hello beautiful" i say kissing her cheek.

She holds her arms our for Robert and his face lights up. He takes her off me and i walk back to william.

"I would love to sit and chat but my kids are ill. Full of cold so i better get back. I will see you soon" he says hugging me.

"Okay. I hope they get better soon" i say

"Me too. She has been grizzly so watch she dont catch anything" william says pointing to ari

"I will keep an eye out. Thank you again" i smile.

He nods and he walks out and shuts the door behind him. I walk towards ari and Robert and he was making funny faces at her making her laugh

"Its nearly her bedtime" Robert says.

"How about we bath her together and feed her have some cuddles then put her to bed?" I suggest.

"Sounds like a plan" he says.

We both take her upstairs well he does and i follow and i run the bath while he undresses her. We place her in and splash lightly at the water making her laugh and it melted me. Im so glad to be back with her.

After her bath i made her some milk and I cradled her in my arms as she was on formula milk not breast. Robert put the tv on and we watched the chase. This is what my life is now and im enjoying it.

Hi guys i am so sorry my uploading isn't the best these days and the chapters are quite short. Im just so busy with everything thats going on. I will upload more I promise.

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