Part 39

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4th of April. You all know what that means. It's Roberts birthday. He knows i have planned a party for him and he gave me strict instructions to who ever i was inviting they had to be in colours that start with the first letter of their name. I mean some people will find it hard but some will find it easy. The party was starting at 5pm as there was kids going to be there and everything was pretty much sorted. I had just been in a meeting with a few very posh people I didn't have a clue who they were but we were making agreements on the new laws. I didn't want to change anything if I'm being honest but apparently £5 notes are getting banned.

I was now out the garden throwing a ball for buddy as i feel bad. I hardly spend time with him anymore and if i do its either going to sleep or waking up in the morning. I picked up the ball and threw it again but it did start to rain so i called him and went inside. I haven't seen Robert all morning yet as he had to go and do an hour in the army training but he should be back soon.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea and had some biscuits with it. Its 1pm what do you expect from a British person. I went into the library and started looking through the books. There was quite a few new ones as i ordered them because i had finished my ones so I decided to read one called the Fine Print. It was starting off to a good start.

"Afternoon princess" i hear Roberts voice behind me

I smiled and i stood up and walked towards him planting a kiss on his lips.

"Afternoon. Happy birthday" i smile.

"Why thank you darling. Do i look good for a 38 year old" he smirks.

"Not bad" i wink.

He smirks at me and brings me in for another Kiss. He tasted like strawberries and he tasted delicious.

"Have you been eating strawberries?" I ask.

"No. But i think the girl who i was kissing in the army court was eating them. The taste might still be lingering on my lips" he says.

I knew he was joking as he had a smirk on his face.

"Oh well hope she treats you right" i say walking back towards my book.

He spins me around and kisses me again and this time he used tongue. I was getting wet down there but i knew this wasn't the good time.

"Im yours and you are mine. Never forget that princess" he says.

"Okay. Anyway have you got something coloured beginning with R?" I ask.

"Yes. Do you?" He replies

"Yes its new i bought it yesterday when shopping with Kate. Im sure you would love it" i say.

"A colour beginging with E?" He says.

"Yes" i reply.

"Eggplant purple?" He asks.

"No.." i say.

"Eggshell?" He asks.

"Nope" i say popping the p.

"There is no other colour princess beginging with E" he says.

"Well there is as i got a something with that colour" i say.

"Can i see?" He asks.

"No. Now i am going to shower and sort myself out because we got to get down to Windsor castle early" i say.

"Yes your highness" he says bowing.

I walk past him and he smacks my ass on the way out. I shake my head and i walk up to my room. I jump straight into the shower and shave and wash my body so i was fresh then i washed my hair with Apple shampoo and conditioner and then got out. I put on my robe and went through the door into my changing room. Oh yes harry put in a door through my bedroom into my changing room as he caught me rushing through my bedroom door to get there. That was embarrassing.

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