Part 18.

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Its lovely to be back in my own bed cuddling with buddy. Last night we got home quite late as we didn't leave until late but before i went to bed i seen gran and she didn't look the best. She looked tired and she said she was feeling weak and achy. I made sure she got into bed okay and then i went into my bed where Robert was waiting. He gave me a quick kiss and went before anyone seen him.

Today now we had the party later on tonight and to be honest i was nervous. Im not sure why its only going to be us royals and close friends but still. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" i say.

The door opens and i was expecting it to be robert but it was kate.

"Long time no see. Your gran said you were back" she says hugging me and air kissing both cheeks.

"Yeah sorry we didn't get back until late" i say.

"You look different" she says giving me an eye.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I don't know you are glowing. Im probably just seeing the same face but it look's different because I haven't seen you thats all. Did you enjoy?" She asks

"Yeah it was lovely" i smile.

"Robert nice?" She asks.

"Huh?" I say.

"Was he you know nice company as you were basically stuck with him for two weeks. Sorry for what happened with Gwen she has moved now back to her original home town" she says.

"Yeah it wasn't too bad to be honest and oh where to?" I ask casually.

"Not sure to be honest i thought america as you know she is part American but apparently it wasn't as far as that. Anyway everyone wants to see you downstairs" she says.

"Okay. Let me get dressed and i will come down" i say.

"Wear your crown. Your dad is here" she says.

I roll my eyes and she leaves. I go to my wardrobe and i put on:

I add my gold crown to go with it and i head out of the room

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I add my gold crown to go with it and i head out of the room. I jump as Robert was standing there.

"Well good morning princess" he says.

"Good morning mr Downey" i reply.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"Downstairs apparently everyone is here" i say.

"Lead the way your highness" he says bowing.

I roll my eyes playfully and breathe air through my nose. We walk down the stairs and into the main room where everyone was.

"Well hello Ella" william says making his way over to me.

He air kisses my cheeks and hugs me and then harry follows. Megan hugs me and i cuddle with the kids. I see my dad and he smiles.

"Hello father" i say.

"Hello" he says.

It was a short hello but then he walks back over to harry and talks again.

"So how was Scotland? Did you enjoy it? Sorry I didn't speak much last night sweetheart" granny says.

"Its okay. Yeah i really enjoyed it but im still sure that you would of done a better job" i smile.

"I have been doing it years sweetie. Practice makes perfect" she smiles.

"While you are here. The party tonight. We have three new possible boyfriends for you. One is 28, one is 29 and the other is 30. They ain't royalty but they are family friends and they have really took a liking to you" dad says.

"Why are you trying to set me up with a boyfriend? I don't need one to live i will just have one when I'm ready and find the right man" i snap a little.

"What he is trying to say is you ain't getting any younger. You need to find a partner who will love and care for you not just random men in the street" harry says.

"So if i find a man and i really do love him you want me just to give him up?" I ask.

"No not as such. We are not choosing for you but the men you chose normally ain't the best. Remember lewis?" Harry says.

"That was when i was fifteen! I didn't know about love back then" i say.

"Yeah well these men are cut out to be royal. You will never find a man better then these" dad says.

"Well maybe i have! You know what in not standing here talking to you about who i have to date. Im a grown woman and if you dont like that then well im sorry" i snap.

I walk out of the room and grab a packet of crisps from the pantry and walk outside.

"Come on lets get some air" i hear Robert say behind me.

He opens his car door for me and i climb in and he goes around to the other side. He pulls off and we drive for about twenty minutes. He stops at the lake we went to before and i open my crisps.

"Please no eating in my car princess" he says.

I ignore what he says and and i start eating the bag of crisps.

"Fine. It doesn't apply to you anyway" he says.

"Robert im in love with you. I cant stop thinking about you. Im obsessed and i cant help it. My family already probably hate me for not listening to them at all but i cant go pretending i love someone else when its only you on my mind. I know it cant happen but it kinda is happening" i say.

He takes a crisp out of the packet and eats it.

"We will figure it out princess but for now lets just deal with these lunies your family has set you up with" he says laughing.

"Oh god im dreading it" i say.

"What do they mean about lewis. If you dont mind me asking" he says.

"Well i used to go to school. Nobody knew at the time i was royal as they kept me a secret but i fell in love well not in love but i had a crush on this boy lewis. He was in my english and science class. We flirted and laughed but when i agreed to be in a relationship with him i brought him here to the castle and told him the secret. I confessed that i loved him but if im being honest I didn't know what love was back then. He said it back but The next day i walked into school and everyone was making fun of me because i was royal. They thought i was joking but i wasn't and when i went to lewis there was a girl standing there in a dress and a fake crown pretending to be a princess and lewis was taking the piss out of me saying he only loved real princesses and it hurt. Fucking embarrassing to be honest but when everyone found out i was actually royalty they all backed me up. Lewis jumped me as we call it here well it's basically beat me up and thats why my family brought a body guard into my life" i say.

"Oh princess I'm so sorry" he says

"Its okay. Its all good" i smile.

"Want to go back or go for a walk?" He asks.

"Cant we sit here and chill?" I ask.

"Of course we can princess" he smiles.

And thats what we did. I chilled too much though listening to the radio while Robert was on the phone and i dropped off to sleep.

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