Part 23

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It was around a month later. Gran is up and down with her being ill then being okay. Its scaring me if I'm being honest i hate seeing her like it. She has been showing me more about How things work about being queen and the things she does and its harder than i thought i dont know how she does it but im going to try and do the best i can. Its her wish to make me queen so im not complaining.She has called another family meeting today and I'm not sure why.

I was stressed to hell and back today and everything was on my mind.I was actually sat in the kitchen finishing up the cupcakes me and williams three children George charlotte and louise trying to get these things off my mind but these kids were stressing me still.

"George stop taking all the sprinkles i want some!" Charlotte says taking the dish off George.

"Auntie Ella tell her to give them back" George says winging.

"But he is taking them all" Charlotte says.

"Charlotte give them ones back i will give you some more. Also George you have to share" i say giving charlotte another bowl with sprinkles in to her.

Then i hear a splat on the wall and louise had thrown two cupcakes against the wall.

"Louise! That was naughty you should not have done that" i say.

He just laughs and drops the flower all over the floor. Charlotte and George was fighting over the sprinkles box and ended up both falling and the sprinkles going everywhere. The fire alarm started going off as there was cakes still in the oven.

"Ughhhhhh" i groan very loudly.

I use a tea towel and i knock the fire alarm off and i get the burnt cakes out of the oven.

"Auntie Ella we are sorry" George says.

"Its okay but please all go and play in the living room" i say on the erge of tears.

They all walk out of the kitchen and i lean my head on the kitchen counter and i hear licking and when i look down buddy was eating all the sprinkles.

"No buddy please" i groan.

"What on earth has happened in here?" I hear grans voice.

I pick my head up and seen Robert gran william and kate.

"Don't even ask" i groan again.

"Are you okay? You have seemed stressed these passed couple of days" william says.

"I am stressed. I thought baking with the kids would help but no offence all they did was argue and throw things on the floor" i say.

"We will get the cleaner to clean this up. We have a family meeting" gran says.

"I cant leave it all for her" i say.

"Thats what she is paid to do hun" gran says.

"Okay let me just clean myself up and i will join you in there" i say.

They nod and the three of them walk out while robert walks up to me and helps me wipe myself down as i have flour all over me.

"Why are you stressed. Want to talk about it?" He asks.

"Its everything really. Like this whole queen thing. Gran has showed me everything and what to do yet i still feel like i wont be able to do the job but i have to try. She is going on and off being ill and thats scaring me" i say.

He embraces me into a hug and i hug bag leaving a huge huff out.

"Your all clean now. She wants me in this meeting too so we better go" he says.

I nod and we walk towards the meeting room. Me and Robert sit down in in the two spare chairs and she had the camera crew there too. What the heck is happening.

"You are all probably wondering why you are all here and why these camera's are live" gran says

We all nod and she smiles.

"Im not getting any younger and my days wont be long until they end. Im not making this soppy and sad but i have a few things i want to happen when I'm gone. William and kate. You two are perfect together and you have three beautiful children. I want you to all be happy. Find a nice little home to live in. Get the kids a dog and be happy. Harry and megan you two i love. You have two beautiful children and im proud of you both. Phillip. Please keep your children happy and spend more time with them. You dont know what will happen in this world it's horrible look what happened to diana" gran says.

We were all on the erge of crying at this point.

"Kate and megan thank you for making my grandson the happiest men on earth. Im so glad you found them. And last but not least my beautiful princess Ella. You my girl will make a wonderful queen and i know you will. You keep bringing yourself down saying you wont be able to do it but I'm telling you. You can do it! You are wonderful and you will make a wonderful queen and everyone doesn't know this and if i find any of you taking hate towards her for this i mean it i wont hesitate. She is in love with her body gaurd" she says.

We all gasp and she smiles at me.

"She hasn't told anyone but she has told me. He is the man that is making her happy. He will make a wonderful prince to my little princess. I cant thank robert enough for that thats the end of this speech and we will be having a royal greet tomorrow in front of here. Which is Buckingham palace. 3pm we will be outside the gates and then i will introduce the next queen to you all personally. Thank you" she smiles.

The cameras stop and the room was quite.

"So you are in love with him" dad says pointing at Robert.

"Well yes and him got a name" i say rolling my eyes.

"I always knew it would happen! Im so happy for you both" kate says happily.

"So are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" Megan asks.

"No bu-" i start.

"We are not but Ella now that everyone knows will you be my girlfriend?" He asks smiling.

"Of course i will!" I say happily.

I kiss him and everyone claps. The kids come rushing in to see what was happening and harrys baby sitter brings his kids in. Im glad to see us all together and finally dont have to fake it with my body gaurd.

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