Part 46

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Hi guys i am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I have been so busy with work and i had the flu so i had no energy what so ever. But here is the new chapter :)


September 15th 1:26am

"Paul please what does this mean?" I ask in pain.

"Ell i have no idea i have never been pregnant before" he says holding my hand.

I was having contractions. I have been having little niggles all day yesterday but i went to bed and woke up to huge ones. Paul has been my body guard for the past three days as Robert is on training. He is supposed to be coming back tonight though. Im not due for another week.

"Phone hope please. I have no idea" i say holding my stomach.

"We need to phone an ambulance" he says.

"But my waters haven't broke" i say.

"Fine i will phone hope" he says

He dails her number and starts speaking.

"Okay okay i did say but she asked to phone you" he says.

He hangs up and looks at me while dailing three numbers

"An ambulance is what you need ell. For the safe side" he says putting the phone to his ear.

The pain was getting worse and if i sat it was uncomfortable and standing up i feel tired. Paul spoke on the phone and hung up.

"Theres an ambulance on the way" he says.

With that i feel a gush and a huge gush of water came out of me.

"Ah shit. Your waters have just broke. I need to phone Robert" he says.

"Aghh. How long is the ambulance?" I ask.

"Around 800cm. Why on earth are you asking that?" He asks.

"No dipshit how long will it be" i ask.

"Not long" he says.

He ring's Robert and I didn't hear anything they were saying as i was too busy hurting from the pain.

"Ell robert will be home in two hours. Who do you want with you out of your family?" He asks

"You. Paul you are my best friend i need you with me" i say.

"Okay i have done this with hope before i can do it again. Breath in and out okay follow my breathing" he says.

I follow his breathing and it was working. After a few minutes of doing this the ambulance turned up. They took me on a stretcher and put me in the ambulance but it went all dark

Three hours later.

I woke up to the sound of beeping and pain in my stomach. My brother william was sat on the chair next to me.

"Will" i say.

"Oh hello. How are you feeling?" He asks

With that a huge pain came again and i let out a scream. William held my hand and the door bursts open and Robert paul and a doctor walked in.

"Painful?" The doctor asks.

"No feels like a tickle" i say holding my stomach.

"She is being sarcastic doc" Robert says.

He comes around and holds my other hand and i let out a scream again. The doctor takes a look down there and does something with his hand.

"It looks like you are ready to start pushing. If you didn't pass out we would of started you sooner. If you didn't wake up we would of had to wake you some how. Are you ready your highness?" The doctor asks.

"Not really but i don't have a choiSEEE" i scream the last word as a pain shooting through my area and up towards my stomach came.

A nurse comes in and they give me a needle to numb me and they gave me gas and air. I was squeezing Roberts hand pushing this baby out. William and paul left the room and Robert stayed with me

An hour later

"One more push" the nurse says.

I let out a huge scream and i push and then i hear a little cry. I relaxed but then i pushed again and something else came out.

"Fuck am i having another baby?" I ask.

The doctor laughs at me.

"No ell its your placenta" he laughs.

"Oh. Am i finished now?" I ask out of breath.

"Yeah. Mr downey would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asks.

Robert takes the special scissors out of his hand and cuts the cord. Then the doctor places the baby in my arms. She was covered in blood at the time as the doctors were cleaning her on my chest but she was beautiful. Her little eyes were shut and i smiled at her.

Once the doctors had finished cleaning her they made sure she was all okay and they left the room leaving me and Robert alone.

"I look like shit probably" i say.

"So? You just gave birth and you are still beautiful" he says smoothing my hand.

"Im going to have stretch marks though. Ugh i wont be a pretty sight" i say letting out a tear.

"Ella Elizabeth Windsor. Stop putting yourself down will you. You are beautiful any time of the day. Stretch marks or no stretch marks. With make up or without make up. You are beautiful now stop bringing yourself down" he says.

My heart melts at his words and all i want to do is kiss him but i was too weak to move my head around. The baby started to open her eyes and i gasp. They were bright blue like mine. She had Roberts long eye lashes and his mouth. My button nose and her hair was light brown.

"She is beautiful" i say.

"She really is" he says.

We both smile at her and her little eyes wander. I place my finger in the palm of her hand and she closes her whole hand onto it.

"Aribella Elizabeth Downey" i smile.

"Considering we picked that name a few weeks ago it does suit her" Robert says with a big smile.

"It really does. Ari for short though" i say

Robert turns my head and he kisses my lips. Then he leans down and kisses the baby on the head. We hear a knock on the door so i shout come in and paul and william walked in.

"Congratulations bestie" paul says walking towards me.

"Yeah congrats ell. She is beautiful" william says.

They both look at her and awh.

"Whats her name?" William asks.

"Aribella Elizabeth downey" i say.

"Like gran" william smiles

"Gran said she would send down an angel when she was gone and this beautiful little girl is our angel. I couldn't be more happier" i say smoothing her little cheek.

The doctor came in and took our details and i breast fed her for the first time. Robert held her and she fell asleep. Robert took her to the little crib and the doctor said for me to get some sleep so i did and i was cuddled into Robert. Thank you gran.

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