Part 6

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Walking into the party arm in arm with Robert there was loads of people there. We were having the party outside in the gardens In Buckingham palace and the one room closest to the back door for food and drinks. I see Paul and hope and I literally squeal as I haven't seen Paul since the day he left.

"Well hello your highness happy birthday " he says as i hug him.

"Hi. I have missed you" i reply squeezing him.

I pull away and hope smiles. I hug her and she says happy birthday and i notice the one month old baby in the pram.

"Oh my gosh she is gorgeous" i coo over her.

"Want a little hold before everyone bombards you" she asks.

"Of course i do" i smile.

She unstraps her and she hands her over to me. My heart melts as she was so beautiful. She was in a white flowery little dress and her smile was gorgeous. With big beautiful green eyes. I lift her up and she smiles

"Yeah be careful she just had milk don't want her being sick over you" hope laughs.

"Its only baby sick say. Its only baby sick" i say rubbing my nose onto her gaining a little cute laugh from her.

"You see this is why you need a boyfriend. You would make a perfect mother" i hear harry behind me.

"Oh hey" i smile.

"Happy birthday" he says hugging me.

"Awh thank you. Thank you for the shoes too" i say showing him the shoes he bought me and that i had them on. "They are beautiful" i smile.

"No problem. Now go and mingle. People are always asking why the princess is always alone" harry says.

"Because i like to be alone and quite frankly i want to be single too because half of these men in here i dont take a fancy to" i say.

"Oh darling i know there is one man that you take a fancy too" i hear the queen say behind me.

"Oh hello your majesty" i smile.

"Follow me" she says.

I do as she says and i hook my arm onto hers. We walk at her pace through the crowds and we stop at a table where she takes a seat so i sit next to her. I look around wondering what she is doing and my eyes stop on roberts. He was looking at me deeply and when he see's i was looking back he smiles at me.

"Being the princess is all fun and games until you have the press onto you my love. They are onto you now, every time i go out to the public i always get asked the same question about you. When is the princess getting a boyfriend. You know me I'm laidback i don't care if you have a boyfriend or not bit at this point in time you may have to have one" she says.

"Granny you know me. I don't do well in relationships. I have been in two and they both didn't work out. Famous and famous never work out" i say.

"I know who's eyes you are on. Your bodyguard. He is a lovely man. I already love him but you know you cant go for your bodyguard sweetheart" she says.

"I know i know. I just cant to pretending to fall in love with these men. Half of them are not good looking at all" i say.

"Oh dont you think i know that? I wasn't the one who put you up with Boris's son. That was your father" she says.

I roll my eyes at his name being said and she places her hand on mine.

"Enjoy yourself tonight. Its your birthday. Queens orders you can have how ever many drinks you want. I will figure something out about the boyfriend situation" she says.

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