Chapter 2: Love at first sight? Well duh, we are mates! Part 1

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Jazzylnn's POV

55,54,53,52,51.... i started counting down to the end of school. 48,47,46,45....

Oh god Jazz,do you have to do this every single day?It’s killing me! Mia whined

Don't disturb me Mia,you are gonna make me lose count. And yes,every single weekday at the end of every last class. I told her. 20,19,18..

I hope you could just graduate right now so that i won't suffer any of this anymore.Get the class to end already!

Haha,how i wish that too partner. I smiled to myself.5,4,3,2,1.


I quickly walked happily towards my locker where Lili and her mate jackson talking to April with her mate Tom. I could not live in this world without these four people in my life! They are like my bestest of the bestest friends anyone could ask for.

Lili has burnet short hair which curves really nicely around her small face.Her sparkling blue eyes never fail to shine everyday with her joyful personalities.She found her mate after a few days she first shifted.Jackson was her childhood friend so they got along perfectly. He had jet black hair with brown eyes and always the “calm” one, perfect match for Lili. April on the other hand is the shy type with beautiful long straight blonde hair with emerald green eyes. Her mate,Tom,had light brown hair with dark brown eyes always outgoing and energectic.They meet during some pack activities last year and they fall helplessly in love with each other.Another perfect match of couple.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them,trying to open my locker which will take me forever to open it.Damn i hate lockers.

Why not just punch it open? I can help you with that. 

Haha,don't you dare get me into trouble missy.

Lili looked at me happily,giving her big smile which reveals her pretty pearly set of teeth and started boucing up and down.

"Oh jazz jazz,great timing!! Austin found his mate!!And it's Tammy!! Ain't that great? Oh,i feel so so so so so happy for them!Mayb-" Before she could finish her sentence,i coveedr her mouth.

"Yes Lili,we can have a party now. And Jacky,please tame her for once." i joked,releasing my hand off her mouth.

" No prob Jazz.Come here little sugarball." Jackson smiled pulling Lili who is giggling like mad to his chest.

"So where are we gonna do that?"Tom asked,wrapping his arms around April's waist looking into her eyes with love.Argh,why can't i find my mate?


What a nice answer

"So are you up for it Jazz?" April asked.I quickly came back to the reality realsing that i wasn't listening to the conversation.

"Huh what ,sorry??" I replied,feeling a little embarrassed.

"Got a little mental fight with your wolf?"April smiled still having her mate's arm locked around her waist.

"As usual." I shrugged,locking my locker and turning towards them.

"Well,we were thinking of going to the pack house and celebrate. Wanna come?You know you are always welcome to our pack house." Tom smiled.Oh did i tell you that Tom was the beta of the Clear Woods pack? Oh wait, i didn't.My bad.

" That's a great idea.But first,i need to go to the ladies." I smiled,walking off to the toilet.

Splashing cold water to my face,I looked at my pitiful face that reflected on the mirror.It made me feel sick to see it. My family are rouges. Wolves who do not belong to any packs.I couldn't remember how long we were like that but how things is now. If any rogues enter any pack's territory,they will be either killed or kept as prisoners. Well,i guess we have been living as "humans" in the human territoris to keep off other packs' territories. But the Clear Woods pack have treated us warmly,which is very rare. Let me say that again,it's very RARE! My family and i are very thankful for them for not killing us or putting us in their "prisons". However, we became good friend with them and they even asked us to join their pack but my dad rejected it.

Still thinking about it,Jazzlynn? Mia question.

Hard to get it out of my mind.I wonder why aren’t we in some pack? I sighed,looking into my violet eyes.

How I would like to give you an answer.

What if our mate found out that we are rogues? Would he re…… Reject us?

Don’t you dare think about that Jazzlynn! Mia scolded me

I’m sorry, I just…. You know…

 Well,stop thinking bout that Jazzlynn! It's time to party! Mia said sounding happy

You are right. When it's time to party,it's time to party. Go away negative thoughts! I smiled and walked out of the toilet.

"Hey sorry for the wait.Let’s g-..... OH MY FREAKIN' GOD..." My voice disappeared as i stand rooted on the ground without blinkng my eyes. Everyone stood in silence,smiling away as though like they knew what's going on.

My heart rate shot up and my whole body feels numb.This feeling,what is it? It's making me having a hard time breathing and my heart can't seem to slow down. My hands are trembling and i can feel my knees turning into jelly. Yes,this is it.

Mate.Mia finally whispered.


So how was it?? Pls comment and tell me how you feel!



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