Chapter 14: A healthy love

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Jazzlynn’s POV

Currently,we are on Blake's,I mean, our bed tangled in each other limbs. I notice that Blake likes to play with my hair and sometime stopping to smell my scent.

"What are you thinking about?" Blake asked.

"Thinking why i'm so weird." Which was a lie.

"Because you are mine?" He smirked.

"Well,if i'm yours,why haven't you mark me yet?You don't want me as your mate?" I asked. His grey eyes now filled with love,lust and saddness. Crap,why do i have to say that. You are such an ass,Jazzlynn Claire Stones.

"It's not i don't want to mark you. I want you to be comfortable first. I don't want to rush things that might hurt you. Not to mention,you just woke up. I can't make your body go through pain again,i want you to heal before i can do anything to your sexy body. And beside,it worth waiting for the perfect time when i can fully devour you." Blake said,kissing my neck.

"You are one perverted wolf." I whispered in his ear and started biting on it.

"Look who's the one who is the pervert one." Blake laughed,pinning me onto the bed whith him onto of me.

""Don't worry,I'm not gonna mark you now. But,let's do something else.." He said before crushing his delicious lips onto mine. His tongue licked my upper lips for entrance which i gave in this time. Our tongue wrestled with other as our hands roamed around each other's body. We pulled apart to take our breathes. Oh god,he is a excellent kisser.

"Didn't Sophie said to get you some rest?" I asked.

"And didn't dad told you to rest too?" Blake copied me,laying next to me.

"Haha,very funny babe." I snuggle closer to him,resting my head on his arm as my pillow. I could feel my eyelids shutting and my body feel so heavy.


"Uh-huh... Good night Blake."

"Good night sweetheart."Blake kissed my forehead and we both fell asleep in each other embrace.

“Come on Jazzlynn,you got to wake up. Dad said that you got to see the doctor today remember?” Blake’s husky voice said.

“Mmm, let me sleep more…” I groaned.

“No more sleep. Three month of sleep isn’t enough for you?”

“Not enough…”

“Alright then,don’t blame me for anything.” I could feel him shifting his position and felt the tingling sensation over my arms.

“What do you think you are doing Mr perverted Alpha?” I yawned,smacking his hands away before they touch my breast.

“Trying to wake you up.” Blake smiled. “Come on, we don’t have much time. Go shower,I’ll prepare you breakfast.”

It took me some time to get my ass out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I didn’t know that the feeling of hot water rinsing down my naked body was so good. I wrapped my body with a towel and went to Blake’s closet. Luckily, I've found some of my clothes in the closet if not I’ve to wear his clothes which are way too big to fit my body. I wore my favourite pale pink tank top and an army printed short and lastly pick out a nude wedge.

Since it was a windy day,I decided to let my hair down. By the time I reach down the stairs,I heard Blake singing to himself.

“You know you can’t stand a chance to win any singing contest.” I said,walking towards him.

“But I can win a beauty pageant for guys.” He said, kissing his biceps. “And you can win a beauty pageant too.” I could feel his eyes scanning my body every inch. 

After having a yummy breakfast, Blake got ready and we hoped onto his bike which he named it the B-ster. Oh god,boys and their motor bikes. It was a five minute drive from our house to the pack house,which I’m still amazed by the size of it.

It took us ten minutes to walk from the front door to the treatment room. My parents reluctantly releasing me, all thanks to Greg who reminded them that I needed to see the doctor. We went down to the basement where the familiar smell of medicines diffused everywhere.

Blake knocked onto the door and a woman in her late twenties came out. She was wearing a white lab coat with a thick black specs where her pale blue eyes hide behind them. She had long and curly dirty blonde hair which were tied up in a ponytail.

“Alpha,Luna.” The woman said.

“You’re Samara?” I asked.

“How did you know that?” Blake asked,giving me a weird face.

“I kind of listened to your conversation when I was asleep. Okay,that sound super weird.” I muttered.

“Well,let’s talk inside shall we.” Samara smiled,leading us to the office looking room. It was all painted white except for one was black. Photographs of the pack filled on one side of the wall which I thought it was lovely to have it. There was a desk on one corner which I assumed it’s her desk and the other was sofas and a coffee table. Blake lead me to one of the sofa and wrap his arm around me while Samara took a seat opposite us.

“So Luna,how are you feeling today?” Samara asked,taking out her folder and started writing things down.

“Umm,please call me Jazzlynn. And I’m feeling good after a long nap.”

“Oh,well umm, Jazzlynn. I’m Samara as you know and I’m the pack doctor of the Shadow Wolf pack. So if you are not feeling well,just drop by and I’ll take care of you.” Samara said. “So,I’m just going to take your blood pressure and all to make sure your health is alright.” I nodded and followed her to the next room where I think it’s the treatment room as there are medical equipment being stored nicely.

After examining my health with Blake shifting his position every seconds,Samara went back to her office to finish writing her documents.

“Alright then Jazzlynn, your health looks fine based on the examination just now.” Samara said,leaving Blake sighing in relief. He really does the cutest things to make me happy.

“That’s great!”Blake said happily,kissing my cheek.

“One last question before you leave, how’s your wolf doing?” Opps,I totally forgot about Mia.

Thanks for remembering me now,Human. Mia snorted.

Hey Mia,how’s my wolf feeling today? And I’m sorry about forgetting you! Even though it was nice to though. I admitted.

Haha,very human Jazz. Still feeling weak from the silver. Give me another week and I’m ready to kick a wolf ass. 

“Sh’e fine. Just feeling week. But in another week time she will be strong enough to kick some wolf ass.” I said sending both Blake and Samara laughing.

“That’s good. So I would advise you not to shift until your wolf to strong enough. Alpha Blake,please keep an extra pair of eyes on her.” Samara advised.

“Don’t worry Sam,I got it under control.” Blake said,pulling me up. “Well then,we got to tell the rest that you just fine. Thanks a lot Samara.” Blake thanked and we went up to the living room where everyone was waiting.

“So how was it?” Mum asked.

“Sheesh mum,it’s not like I’m pregnant. The doctor said I’m ok. Just no shifting until next week.” I reassured her.

Everyone sighed in relief and everything return back to normal as though nothing had happen.


Hey hey my pretty little reader~ Whoa,300 reads? I nvr thought it could make it this far~ Thanks alot! Muack muacks! So this chapter is short and i'm trying to upload the next chapter by the ned of the week~ 

Please comment/vote and thank you so much!! 



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