Chapter 28: Going back to my love! Yeah baby!

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Jazzlynn’s POV

It’s been months since we arrived to Xannon’s mansion. Lives have been more lively compared to Kent’s stinky house. Even though Xannon would have to leave the mansion time to time to find Kent’s whereabouts. He made sure Melody or Carmen were there for us 24/7.

Like what Melody had said, we became great friends and had lots of sleepover, well even though we stayed in the same house. We chatted from dawn to night and night to dawn, not worrying about anything. The twins are doing great. The once too shy twins are now so hyper that no one from the past could recognize them!

Unlike being chained up, we all went to the town nearby for shopping, movie marathon, girls’ night out and everything that I’ve used to do. It’s not that bad living in this lifestyle for once right?

Currently the girls and I are all in the rack room, watching some show which we aren’t paying any attention to.

“Alright, it’s been a long time that we have been together but I’ve been itching to ask about you and Carmen’s relationship. How did you two met? How was your first kiss? What was your reaction when you found out that he’s a vampire and all?” I asked Melody who was blushing.

“Come one Mel, spill it!” Trinitie poked her side causing Melody to laugh.

“How am I suppose to tell when you keep on poking me! Stop it! Tifinie, help me!” Melody laughed. Did I mention she’s so ticklish? I don’t think so.

“Alright Tri, let her breathe.” Tifine pulled her sister away. After taking some breathes, Melody was ready to spill it out.

“Alright, I met him when I was working as a waitress in a small café down at the town. Oh and by the way, that café had the best coffee and cakes. I should bring you girls there next time. It was like love at first sight. The way he do his half smile of his at me makes my heart beat so fast. He would come every single day for his cup of coffee and a slice of raspberry cheese cake at the same timing. Then one day, I accidentally spilled water on him and that’s how we started to talk and that’s how we exchange our phone numbers.” Melody blushed.

“Go on.” I prompt her.

“Then one day he asked me out for a date which of course I said yes. It was romantic. That’s when I had my first kiss with him and we sort off started to date. Vampire wise was something I’ve not expected. We did fight about it but I couldn’t bear seeing him suffering in pain and that’s how I accepted the way he is.”

“And you love as much as I do baby darling.” Carmen suddenly appeared behind Melody, giving a kiss on her cheek.

“Oh my god Carmen! I told you not to scare me like that!” Melody playfully slapped his arm. “Why are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Xannon?”

“I came back to check on you girls. You know how worry Xannon can be right?” Carmen said. He picked melody up and placed her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Aww, you guys are so cute!” I said making both of them blushed.

“How I wish I could find my mate soon.” Trinitie said.

“Me too.” Tifinie said.

“Hey Jazz, is there any hot guys in your pack who haven’t find their mates?” Trinitie asked. I thought through and the only guys who made to my top two hotties chart list are Sam and Zach. Luke was one of them but something tells me he’s taken.

“Well, there’s these two guys. Zach and Sam. Zach has brown eyes with black hair. He’s those serious kinds but has a soft spot. Sam has these hazel eyes and blonde hair. He got this playful smile and very funny guy. They are like brothers but not blood related or so. Fighting and playing every single day. ” I explained.

Love,war and me?Things are getting serious now!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora