Chapter 10: Love being hunted

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Jazzlynn’s POV

One minute ago I was looking for Matt and the other minute I’m surrounded with rogues. Confused?Well,let me recap for you to clear things up.

-Thirty minutes ago-

“Well,umm,so Jazzlynn where Matt? He’s suppose to be with you right?” Mum asked.

“He said he needed to go to Jake’s to pass his works. I bet he’s playing with his PSP or whatever with him. I’m going to get him back.”I sighed,turing towards the front door.

“I’ll go with you.” Blake said but I stopped him.

“Nope babe,you stay here. Talk to my mum.She really likes you a lot.”I whispered,giving him a quick peck on the lips. “See you later.” And I went out.

Luckily for me, Jake’s house was a minute walk from my house. But unluckily for me is that Jake’s mum love to chat. I mean she would literally pull you into her house,no pressure. Serving you the best tea and cookies,no pressure. And then,she will start talking like there’s no tomorrow,pressure.

“So Jazzlynn,what brought you here?” Mrs White or Molly (which she preferred to be called) finally asked after chatting for thirty minutes.

“Well,Molly. I was looking for my little brother Matt. Did he came by? I need to bring him soon ASAP.” I said.

“Well no dear.” Molly said.

“Oh,well thank you Molly for the tea,cookies and the wonderful conversation but I’ve gotta go home now.” I said,taking my leave.

“Alright sweetie,drop by soon.” Molly said,closing the door behind her.

Where did that brat gone to?

Well Jazzlynn,have you ever thought of sniffing him down? Just to remind you,you are a werewolf. Mia said in a duh tone

Why didn’t I think about that? Thanks Mia. I said sarcastically and start smelling the air around. Found you.

I followed the scent which lead me to the playground and I saw Matt’s bag laying in the sandbox.

“What the..”

Jazzlynn smell that? Mia said and I inhale the air which made my blood freeze.


It’s not just any blood,it’s-

“MATT!!!” I screamed and ran towards the scent. I ran into the forest where the scent grew stronger and stronger as I get closer to it.

Please let him be alright.

I’ll kill that bastard or whoever it is for hurting him. Mia growled.

“Matt! Where are you? Matt! Answer me,Matt!” I shouted,hoping that he would reply. Tears started to blur my vision.No,I must not cry now! I got to find Matt,by the smell of the blood,he’s losing blood so I ran deeper into the forest.

“Matt! Come on answer me! Matt! Oh my god! Matt!!” I screamed. There he was,laying in the pool of blood,his blood.

No this can’t be happening. I ran next to him,bruises,cuts all over him. I gently placed him in my arms,checking for his pulse. Pulse present,thank god.

“Matt.”I cried out. “Come on buddy,open your eyes!” Matt’s eyelids twitched and slowly showing his brown eyes.

“Sis?” Matt whispered.

Love,war and me?Things are getting serious now!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang