Chapter 17: Welcoming love into the pack

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Jazzlynn’s POV

Right now, I feel complete. I didn’t know marking each other was so amazing. I could feel his every emotion flowing through my body. So this is how it feels to be marked.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden blast of music and I realized that we were still partying half-way through. Great, now how am I suppose to face everyone after what Mia had done.

“Don’t worry too much sweetheart. It was quite entertaining though.” Blake winked at me. How did he know I was thinking about that? Oh never mind.

“I think we better head back down. It’s time for the main event don’t you think so?” I said.

I climbed out of the bed and went to the mirror to fixed out my dress and hair. Satisfying with my appearance, I turned around to see my half naked mate standing in front of me. His muscular body was exposed making me drool mentally. God, why does he have to so sexy?

“Glad to hear that.” Blake smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

“Hear what?” I asked.

“That I’m sexy.”

“Huh? Wait,what? How did you know what I was thinking?”

“Since we have marked each other, we can hear each others’ thoughts. And I couldn’t help hearing yours since you were practically shouting it out loud.” So wait. That means Blake can hear me and I can hear his? But why can’t I hear anything?

“That’s because I blocked my thoughts from you.” Blake said. I made a ‘O’ shaped with my mouth. “Shall we go back?” I nodded and we went down to the living room.

Everyone was partying like nothing had happen. That’s a good thing. Now I won’t have to entertain anyone with the mini drama Mia caused. Blake led me to the back of the house where Amber and the rest were chatting away happily. Amber sensed our presences and skipped her way towards me.

“You got to do that more often! You were s- Oh my god! Jazzlynn, congrats!” Amber hugged me.

“Umm, thanks? But for what?” I asked. Amber looked at me with her eyes filled with joy and slowly darting her eyes towards my shoulder. Oh shit.

“Finally! I thought I was going to be the one who will be marked first.” Isabella said, giving me a hug.

Okay,this is super embarrassing. I should have changed my dress to another. Or maybe I should have done it after the party.

Damn you Mia. I cursed her.

Hey, don’t start blaming me Jazz! You also agreed to it! Mia protest.

Well, it’s because you started it first! How am I suppose to say no?

Just say no.


What? What did I do now? You wanted to know how to say no.

You really know how much I hate you right? I muttered, mentally rolling my eyes.

Hate is the new love my dear human. Mia smiled. I sighed, not wanting to continue arguing with Mia. I noticed that everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of alien while Blake was laughing.


“Sorry, had a argument with my wolf.” I muttered, blushing like a tomato. I glared at Blake who was still laughing. Oh no, please don’t tell me he listened to it. This is embarrassing. Thanks a lot Mia.

Love,war and me?Things are getting serious now!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat