Not a chapter! Chapter #

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Hi Everyone! Soooo this is not a chapter but I still encourage you to read it! so I have my next couple chapter figured out and more in development but I wanted to know if you guys would want to contribute to my plot line! theirs three steps...

1. Comment on this 'chapter': So its not actually a chapter but I will be calling it Chapter #. I need you to actually communicate with me for the plot line so if you could comment one or two of your ideas for the plot I would really appreciate that! (I promise I'm not ruining out of ideas! I thought it would be fun if you guys helped me inspire my story!)

2. Follow so you know when things are posted!: This is entirely optional but it will be easier for you to get notifications from me when I reply to your ideas in the comments!

3. Basic comment rules apply/ express your ideas!: So i do apply basic comment rules like
'No cursing

'No rude or inappropriate comments to other people or stories

'Be respectful to others

But I encourage you to be creative with your ideas and collaborate with others in the comments!

So I hope this was informational! It is not mandatory at all and everything except for the comment rules are also optional. I hope i also see new people commenting more often! If you do contribute to my story and i use your idea i will be giving you a shout out at the end of that chapter! One last thing... I have over 120 reads as of this post! I'm hoping my story continues to grow! my current goal for reads is 300 or more!

Edit:{Way passed that by now! Thank you all so much for your support everyone!!!}

Bye Guys! Hope your looking forward to other chapters!

Edit:{This Information is still relevant! The ideas dont have to be fore this story to they can go to other stories and/or story ideas! I will be moving this  chapter to the beginning of the story after it is finished and I will continue reading any suggestions you leave so feel free!}

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