6| Supernatural: The Musical

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"Hey!" I greeted Dean as he stepped out of our motel room.

"Hey," he shot back. "How long you been up?"

"Long enough to find us a case."

"Long enough to... I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"

"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world," I scoffed. "So, huh, right here."

I handed him a newspaper from my lap, pointing at the article.

"A teacher in a girl's school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."

"Ellie, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case."

"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case," I countered. "Boom!"

He gave me a look, and I sighed.

"Dean, out there, hunting. That's the only normal I know. We got work to do."

After telling Sam what I'd found, we loaded in the car to drive to Michigan. We'd been taking a road trip so I could recover like Cass suggested, and while the respite was nice, I was eager to work again. We'd left Maddie and Zep behind with their friends in town so they wouldn't miss school. It turned out, the teacher who'd gone missing was the drama teacher, so when we arrived, we headed to the auditorium. As we entered, we stopped as we heard a familiar phrase.

"You, idjits!" a girl dressed up like Bobby said. "You, idjits. You are idjits."

We exchanged a look as another phrase met our ears.

"Hey, ass-but!" a girl in a Cass costume said. "Hey! Ass-butt!"

A few notes began to play, and we watched dumbstruck as a scene played out on stage while a girl dressed as Dean sang.

"John and Mary, husband and wife,
bringing home a brand new life.
His name is Sammy,
I'm big brother Dean.
The perfect family, or so it seems.

"The demon's visits had begun.
He believed Sam was the chosen one.
It burned my mother,
and it cursed my brother,
leaving us in tears.

"On the road so far,
yeah, the road so far!
We are in Dad's car-"

"Cut!" yet another girl yelled.

As the girl went on stage to direct the actresses, we tried to make sense of what we'd just witnessed.

"What in the holy..." I trailed off.

"If there is a case... it probably has something to do with this," Sam noted.

"You think?" Dean and I chorused.

The girl who'd yelled cut hurried toward us, a second girl hot on her tail.

"Hi!" the first girl greeted us. "Oh my gosh... are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer slash director. This is Maeve, my stage manager, and I was just, uh, dir-"

Marie stopped talking as she noticed Sam's badge. Dean tried to take his out as well, but Sam stopped him when he noticed the actresses playing them on stage were doing the same thing.

"I'm Special Agent Smith, these are my partners, Special Agent-"

"Smith," Dean and I both repeated the last name.

"Smith and Smith, no relation," Sam finished. "We're here to look into the disappearance of-"

"There is no singing in Supernatural!" Dean cut in angrily.

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