77| Dean Killed Hitler

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"No. No way," Ellie continued to protest, pulling away from me. "Okay, my mom, she- she tracked our family all the way back to the Mayflower. She said-"

"You're adopted," the Thule cut her off.

"You don't know anything about me."

"You're from Wheaton, Illinois. All-state cross country all four years."

"Wow. Wow, way to use the internet."

"You trained to become a doctor, but you dropped out at the sight of your first stiff."

"I'm taking a sabbatical," the young woman hissed, becoming more and more emotional as the Thule agent continued.

"You dipped town two days before your wedding."

"He was banging the caterer! You..." Ellie sighed.

"It seems as though running is a thing for you."


The young woman grunted and whispered indistinctly as she bolted from the room.

"See?" the Thule smirked.

"Yeah, I got her," Sam volunteered before I could.

"We gotta move," Dean pointed out.

"I know."

Sam exited the room, leaving Dean and I alone with the Thule member. After a few minutes, we went to join them.

"Alright, meltdown time's over," Dean announced as I shut the door. "Listen, you need to face this now. Believe it or not, we actually have the upper hand here. According to, uh, you know, Junior Jackass in there, the Thule want you. Now we can use that. We can set a trap."

"Oh. Oh, now you wanna use me as bait?" Ellie asked anxiously.

"We don't want to use you as bait, Ellie, but..." I sighed. "We have the opportunity to take out the entire Thule High Command in one shot."

"Now does that sound scary? Yeah, you bet. But there are times you run and there are times when you stand and fight. Now, this is one of those times you fight. Now we promise that we will keep you safe."

"Oh my God," Ellie's eyes widened as she spotted something through the window behind Dean.

"You gotta be kidding me," Dean muttered, turning to look.

"Get down," Sam ordered, pushing Ellie to the ground.

We all hurried out, leaving Ellie behind as we fought the Thule members. After a moment, all three men ran away. Hurrying back to the room, I peeked inside.

"Ellie?" I called, looking around. "Guys, we got a problem."

Sam was working to hack the traffic cams to try and figure out where Ellie got taken to. While we were waiting, the Thule member we'd had tied up slid into the booth with us.

"Hi," he greeted us and I glanced down as Dean cocked his gun under the table. "If you want to find Ellie you have to protect me."

"Protect you?" I echoed. "Why should we believe anything you say?"

He sighed, locking eyes with me meaningfully.

"Don't look now. Across the street, there's a Thule agent right beside the dumpster outside. Is that enough? I just killed one of my dad's guys."

"Could be a trap," Sam suggested from his spot next to the Thule agent.

"It's not," he insisted. "Do you know what it was like to have a Nazi necromancer for a father? It sucked. Christmas was a joke. Career Day at school was a nightmare. All I do is try to make him proud, I'll never be good enough. He asked a guy named Fritz to kill me."

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