64| Team Amos

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Chuck sat on a park bench, watching several kids, including Maddie and Zep, playing on a playground. I took a deep breath, walking over and joining him.

"You wanted to talk. This seemed as good a place as any," Chuck told me as he watched Zep and another boy playing with blocks in a sandbox. "Look at them- endlessly optimistic. The wind blows their tower over, they rebuild. Always gets me."

"If that's so, why are you bailing? When you see Amos, you're throwing in the towel?"

Chuck sighed, tearing his gaze from the children to look at me.

"Metatron. Loose lips. But you think I'm a dick, like your husband. Why do you care?"

"Because before you went M.I.A... you did a lot."

"Thank you. And what you call throwing in the towel, I call strategy."

"How is death by your brother a strategy?"

"I know him. His beef is with me."

"Yeah, but I still don't understand how- how dying is a- a blueprint for success," I shook my head.

"I won't be dying. I'll be caged. I trade myself for... everything I created. It goes on."

"Okay, well, the, um, Amos I know is... a mountain of- of pissed off. I mean, he spent a- a gazillion years in solitary. The only thing he's thinking is- is it's his turn."

"And I'll give it to him, as long as he accepts the deal."

"The deal? What... He's gonna eliminate you, and then he's gonna destroy everything you've created. He's told me this personally," I sighed. "You started this. You started all of this, but does that give you the right to end it? You know, we're not just some toys you can throw away. I think you owe us more than that."

"If my plan doesn't work, then humans will step up. You, Sam, Dean, others that are chosen will find a way. It's why I saved you all those years ago. You're the firewall between Light and Darkness."

"No. No, I..." I shook my head. "Look, give me a- a vampire, and I'm good. But this- God's brother? That is way above my pay grade. I... It... Bottom line is i-it's you who has to take him out. And look, after that, you know, get a condo in Cancun. I don't care!"

Metadouche agreed to help us save Lucifer from Amos so we could convince Chuck to use him to help fight Amos. So, while Sam, Dean, Donatello and Metatron went to go save the archangel, I met with Amos to try and distract him and buy them some time.

"Thank you for reaching out to me, Eleanor," Amos told me.

"You said you wanted to meet," I replied.

"I missed you. And the... sensations you arouse. I know you feel the same way. So... what do we do."

"There can be no us. We should just walk away."

"Then why don't you?"

I swallowed hard, chewing on my lip as I played with my wedding ring with my thumb.

"This place," Amos looked around at the woods surrounding us, "this world hasn't been especially easy for you. Why not at least consider my offer?"

"The world is flawed," I admitted. "I will give you that. But I'm not ready to say goodbye to it just yet."

"But one way or the other, you will. It's inevitable. My brother won't stop me again, because he can't. Eleanor, give up your... smallness, your humanity and become boundless within me."

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