83| Sam and Dean Get Arrested

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"No, no, you're making it up. It's impossible."

After getting the egg from Ketch, Crowley had tracked down and brought Lucifer's baby mama, Kelly Kline, to a motel so we could talk to her.

"Well, to be fair, so is teleporting," Dean pointed out. "But... ta-da."

He spread his arms out, gesturing to the motel room we were all gathered in.

"Who are you people?" Kelly demanded.

"Well, dear, I'm a witch," Rowena piped up. "He's an angel."

I rolled my eyes as Castiel bowed.

"And I'm the King of Hell," Crowley raised his hand.

"Oh, God," Kelly breathed, sitting down on the foot of the bed.

"No, actually, he left," Cass informed her.

"Okay, guys, not helping," Sam glared around at them.

"You- you can't. He's the President."

"He was," I nodded, "but now... Tell me he hasn't been acting different."

"Jeff's been under a lot of stress," Kelly started. "He..."

"Wrong," Crowley interrupted. "He's the Devil. Horns, pitchfork, the whole nine."

"Crowley, still not helping," Sam hissed at the demon. "Listen, we know what we're talking about here. We have been on Lucifer's trail a long time."

"And you're pregnant with his child," Rowena added.

"That's... that's... you're lying," Kelly shook her head, backing up into the corner.

"The thing inside you, it's unholy," Cass told her, moving to get a bible from a drawer in the nightstand. "It's an abomination."

I clenched my jaw at the words. My heart really went out to the expectant mother. If things had gone differently seven years ago, I could have very well been in her position. Hell, I'd seen myself in her position in the alternate future where Sam said yes and Dean didn't. I watched as Cass instructed Kelly to place her hand on the bible and her handprint was seared onto the cover, causing the book to go up in flames. Dean was quick to bring over a trash can and a pitcher of water which they used to put the book out before addressing the distressed woman.

"Does he even know you're knocked up?"

"Yes, he... He said he was thrilled. He said it was the only time he ever created anything."

"Kelly... we need your help."

Kelly looked to the younger Winchester, who met her gaze with his signature puppy-dog eyes and she swallowed hard.

Sam, Dean, Rowena and I were waiting in an adjacent room to the one we had spoken with Kelly in. We heard Cass brainwash the guards who had entered into thinking only Kelly was present in the other room and to go wait in the car. Cass then joined us to wait while they went to get President Lucifer.

"Kelly? Kelly, what's wrong?"

"I told you on the phone. I can't have this baby."

There was a slamming sound that shook the walls as Lucifer got violent.

"I'm afraid I'll have to insist," he growled.

Sam burst into the room with the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator.

"Sam!" came Lucifer's annoyed voice.

"Vade retro," Sam began speaking.

"We've done this dance so many times."

"Princeps inferni."

"Sam!" Dean yelled as we entered the room.

Lucifer swept an arm toward Rowena, Dean and I but nothing happened. The lights were popping and I looked up at them worriedly as Rowena began chanting.

"Mah tay, ez loh, say tah!"

"This isn't over, Sam!" Lucifer yelled as the spell began to work.

"Go to hell!" Sam yelled back.

"Mah tay, ez loh, say tah! Mah tay, ez loh, say tah!"

A stream of white light exited Lucifer's mouth and swirled around the motel room before going through a heating vent. The room fell silent as the President's body collapsed to the floor. Castiel went to him, checking for a pulse.

"He's alive. He won't remember a thing."

"Oh, Jeff. Oh, my God. Jeff?" Kelly started freaking out.

"We gotta go. We gotta get her out of here. Go," Sam said.

"Wait, wait," Kelly tried to protest.

"Cass, help me. Kelly, come on."

Together with Cass, I pulled her from the room, leaving Sam and Dean behind with the President. We waited until Sam and Dean were escorted from the room in handcuffs and driven off before sneaking off. Kelly, Cass and I got to a diner and I stopped Kelly outside to talk to her a minute while Cass went to save us a table.

"Kelly, listen," I swallowed. "I don't have a lot of time to explain, but bottom line is, do you want to have this baby?"


"Just answer the question."

"Yes," she nodded. "More than anything."

"Then I need you to listen very carefully."

 After a few minutes at the table inside, Kelly dismissed herself to use the restroom and freshen up. However, instead of heading inside the bathroom, she slipped out the front door instead. I trusted that she would do what I told her to. When several minutes went by with no sign of Kelly, Castiel started to get nervous.

"Maybe you should go check on her," he suggested.

"Yeah, okay," I nodded, making my over to the empty restroom.

Before I could head in, though, Cass's phone rang and I turned back to hear him talking to Kelly.

"Hello? Kelly. Kelly, listen to me. This is not a baby. It's the spawn of Lucifer. No, no. Kelly, you..."

I rushed after Cass as he ran out of the diner, knowing he would find no sign of Kelly anywhere. Over the course of the following weeks, there was no sign of Kelly and we couldn't figure out where Sam and Dean had been taken after they were arrested. I wasn't as worried about Kelly as I was about Sam and Dean. Maddie and Zep kept asking about them, and Cass had even called in my mother to help after I'd told him not to.

Finally, two months later, I got a call from an unknown number.

"What?" I asked, running a hand tiredly over my face.

"Ellie Bear."

"Dean?" my eyes widened, and I suddenly found myself a lot more alert.

"Hey, sweetheart," Dean said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Long time."

"What... what happened? Wh- where are you?"

"You wouldn't believe me, and I have no clue. Uh..."

I heard muffled sounds as Dean listened to whatever Sam was saying before speaking into the phone again.

"Okay, looks like we're in Colorado."

"In Rocky Mountain National Park," Sam's voice carried faintly through the phone. "Uh, if we head north we should hit State Route 34. Eventually."

"Did you get that?" Dean asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Alright, meet us there."

"Wait, where?"

"Just drive along the road and you'll see us. And, Ellie... We're kinda on the clock here."

He hung up on me as I tried speaking again.

"Wait, what does that..." I trailed off, sighing.

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