105| Fight the Devil

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When I woke up, I was by myself in the car and it was parked outside of a lake house. Looking out the window, I spotted Cass's truck nearby. I climbed out, heading up to the house and heading inside. I heard voices upstairs and hurried in that direction.

"Ellie," Kelly said, panting heavily when I walked in.

"Hey," I said. "How's it going?"

"He's coming," Cass informed me.

I moved to stand with my mom on the other side of the bed from Cass as the familiar sound of the Impala sounded outside.

"I'll be back," Cass said, drawing his angel blade.

"Aah!" Kelly screamed, squeezing both of my and my mom's hands as she had another contraction.

"Okay," my mom nodded. "I think they're less than five minutes apart now. It's almost time. How you doin'?"

"I'm dying," Kelly gasped.

"We know," I nodded.

"But that's okay. 'Cause wouldn't either of you die for your kids?"

"Yeah," my mom nodded, staring at me.

"Definitely," I agreed, thinking of Maddie and Zep.

Kelly cried out as she had another contraction.

"Okay. You're okay," I assured her gently.

There was a knock as Cass reappeared at the door.

"May I speak with her?" he asked.

"Sure," I nodded.

"Ellie, Emilie," Kelly looked at us.

"We'll be back," I told her.

"Okay. Cass... what's wrong?"

My mom and I joined Sam and Dean downstairs where they were getting weapons ready.

"You ready?" Dean asked.

"Nope," Sam shook his head. "When has that ever stopped us?"

"Yeah. You know, Cass has faith in this kid."

"So do I, for the record," I smirked.

Dean smirked back, shaking his head at me.

"I hope you're both right. But me? I have faith in us. You, me, Sam, Cass. Crowley. Sometimes."

"Mm," I nodded, snorting.

"This is gonna work. It has to."

Sam, Dean and I headed outside, Cass joining us a few minutes later.

"Well, this is a fun surprise," Lucifer said, walking up to us. "I gotta hand it to you guys. You never give up, even when you should. Even when it would be stupid not to."

"Look, whatever you're planning on doing, Chuck... God will stop you, just like he did last time," Sam spoke.

"You're right. What should I do?" Lucifer asked, then took on a mocking tone, raising his arms in mock surrender. "Oh God! Don't strike me dead!"

He rolled his eyes, dropping his hands back to his sides.

"Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. 'We can't. God is watching.' No. Chuck 'walked'. He's gone."

"So you're just gonna smash his toys?" I asked.

"Exactly," the Devil grinned, winking at me. "'Cause every time I look at this sad trash fire of a world, you know what I keep thinking? I could do so much better."

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