22| Hansel

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I knocked on the door of the motel room I knew Sam and Dean would be in. After a moment, it opened to reveal Dean in the doorway.

"Yeah?" he asked, not recognizing me right away.

"Hiya, Dean-o," I grinned at him.


I pushed past him, entering the motel room, while he remained rooted in place, staring at me in shock. As Sam caught sight of me, a similar shocked expression covered his face.

"Oh my God," he breathed.

"Hi, Sammy," I winked, disappearing into the bathroom briefly.

When I came back out, Dean had closed the door. I rummaged under one of the beds, pulling out a duffel bag and dumping it on the table. Sam and Dean were both still staring at me, mouths agape.

"W-wait a second," Sam stammered. "You're-"

"Uh huh," I nodded.

"How?" Dean demanded.

"No clue."

I began prepping my gun as I continued talking.

"Some Scarface-looking dude, bright light..."

After loading the gun, I cocked it.

"Next thing I know, I wake up looking like this."

"Why would someone turn you into-" Dean began.

"Don't know," I stuck my gun in the waistband of my jeans. "Don't care. Hey, we got any grenades?"

"What?" Sam asked, both him and Dean clearly not on the same page as me.

"Don't- wait, wait, wait," Dean stopped me. "Wait a second. Talk to us."

"Really, Dean? Now? I'm a freakin' tween and another girl's gonna die. Sorry if I'm not in a chatty mood. Look, you wanted me back in the game. I'm back in the damn game. Come on."

I pushed past the brothers, heading out the door. A middle aged woman was holding grocery bags in the parking lot, and dropped her motel room key. Before she could try and pick it up, I stopped her.

"Here. Allow me," I smiled, handing her the key.

She smiled back as I headed toward the Impala, Sam and Dean coming out of the motel room and locking the door.

"Your daughter is so polite," the woman informed them.

"Thanks," Dean told her awkwardly.

I hit the top of the Impala to get the boys over to the car.

"Where are we heading?" Dean asked me.

"Tell you on the way."

I climbed in the back while Sam and Dean got in their respective seats up front. As we drove, I filled them in on what happened.

"Cake?" Sam asked. "Why would they give you cake?"

"Well, I don't know. I didn't try it," I shrugged.

Dean kept glancing at me in the rearview mirror, seeming freaked out.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Nothing," he replied. "Okay, not nothing. Look, this is bizarre. Even for us, Ellie. This is insane. You- you're like- what, you're like 13? How does it even feel?"

"Well, I'm me," I said, leaning forward and putting my arms over the seat. "I'm- I'm old me, but I'm a kid. It's freakin' weird, man. And..."

"What?" Dean pressed, looking over at me.

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