80| Supernatural Lockdown

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I leaned against Baby, fiddling with the flask I'd swiped from Dean when he wasn't paying attention.

"Go away," I said as someone approached me.

"You're not the boss of me."

I turned, eyes widening slightly as I realized who it was.

"Billie. What're you doing here?"

"My job," the reaper replied.

"Well, I'm not dead yet," I pointed out, chuckling.

"Shame. But actually, I just finished inside. I was reaping a fresh soul."

Freaking out even more, I rushed toward the door, banging on it frantically.

"Sam! Dean! Hey!"

"You can huff and puff, but that house is on supernatural lockdown," Billie informed me. "They can't even hear you."

Ceasing my futile banging on the door, I turned to face the reaper.

"What did you do?" I hissed.

"It wasn't me," she replied. "I don't get my hands dirty. Rules. I just clean up the mess. Still, between us, it's always nice to see a Dawson who can't get what she wants."

"You think this is funny? Huh?" I got up close in her face. "Hunters are dying in there."

"Everyone dies."

"You got in there. You got in there to reap that soul. You can get me in."

"I could, I suppose. But-"

"Do it!"

"But it's a one-way ticket. And you're gonna owe me one."

I stumbled through the door into a room with Lorraine and Elvis.

"Holy-" Lorraine swore.

"Where's my husband?" I demanded.

Neither of them responded, and I started to storm off, knife drawn, in search of Sam, Dean and my mom.

"Hey, hold up!" Elvis stopped me. "How did you...?"

"She's the demon!" Lorraine cried.

"Demon?" I echoed.

"Kill her!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, lady. Look, I'm not a demon, okay? I'm one of the good guys. Now, stick with me, do what I say, and everybody'll get out of here, okay? Everybody."

"Well, not everybody," Elvis said, eyes flashing red.

He pulled a knife, attacking me, but I easily evaded him.

"You're kind of slow for a demon, aren't you?"

"Careful, now. You'll hurt my feelings, and I might lash out."

I easily dodged another attack from his end.

"How about you go to Hell?" I countered.

"Please. It's a complete train wreck down there. No Lucifer, no Crowley. It's messy."

"No, I mean really," I insisted as I continued to dodge his knife. "Go to Hell."

The demon scoffed as I started reciting in Latin.

"An exorcism? Uh-uh. Elvis is leaving the building."

I stopped short as the demon snapped Elvis's neck and smoked out of his body up the stairs. Lorraine screamed and I helped her away.

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