9| Act Two

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While Sam was talking to Maeve, Dean and I said our goodbyes to Marie.

"Well, you did good out there, kid," Dean told her.

"Hmm, you're not so bad yourself."

"You know? This has been educational. Seeing the story from your perspective, even if you left out Ellie," I winked at her.

"Keep on writing, Shakespeare," Dean added.

"Even if it doesn't match how you guys see it?" Marie challenged.

"We have our version, you have yours," Dean shrugged.

The lights flickered and Maeve called for one minute to curtain.

"Okay," Dean sighed, both of us starting to walk off.

"And Dean?" Marie called back to us. "You never should have thrown this away."

She held up the wooden prop Samulet, and he grabbed it before trying to hand it back.

"It never really worked," he said. "And I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother, so..."

"Just take it. Jerk."

"Bitch," Dean replied on reflex, then realized what he'd just done.

Marie chuckled at his awkward reaction, looking over at me.

"And maybe I was wrong about Ellie," she mumbled. "She's really not that bad of a person."

"Thanks. Go on."

She ran to get in place with Siobhan as Dean and I walked over to stand with Sam.

"Well, I guess we can go back to staring at motel room walls," Dean said.

"You know what, guys? You were right," Sam said. "Staying cooped up isn't helping us. We need-"

"We need to get back on the road, Dean," Marie was saying on stage. "Doing what we do best."

"What is that?" Sam asked.

"It's just... I don't know anymore," Siobhan replied.

"It's the, uh... the B.M. scene," I said, both Dean and I smiling a little.

"The... bowel movement scene?" Sam asked, confused.

"No! Just... shh."

"You're right, Sammy," Siobhan said. "Out on the road. Just the two of us."

"The two of us against the world," Marie smiled.

"Three of us against the world," Sam whispered, editing the statement slightly.

The other actresses came out on stage to join Marie and the Siobhan as the cover of Carry On Wayward Son began.

"Carry on my wayward son," actress Mary began. "There'll be peace when you are done."

"Lay your weary head to rest," actress John picked up. "Don't you cry no more."

The rest of the actresses joined in the song.

"Once I rose above the noise and confusion,
just to get a glimpse behind this illusion.
I was soaring ever higher,
but I flew too high."

"Who's that?" Sam asked, noticing the Adam actress.

"Oh, that's Adam," Maeve replied. "John Winchester's other kid. He's still trapped in the cage, in Hell. With Lucifer."

We all exchanged a look as the song continued.

"Masquerading as a man with the reason,
my charade is the event of the season.
And if I claim to be a wise man,
it surely means that I don't know.

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