Chapter Six - It's All Gonna Be Alright

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Cathy's POV

"Bonne, what did you do?" I yelled.

"Excuse moi? I just gave him some of what I thought useful information!" Bonne yelled back. "I thought he would want to know more about what happened!"

I sighed and turned to Maddie. "Sniff him out!" I commanded. The pup started to sprint with her nose to the floor. I followed her.

She stopped by a door. I heard crying from the inside.

Maddie scratched at the door. I hid before he could open the door. I thought what he needed right then was a little pup giving him licks. Telling him it's gonna be okay.

I waited a few moments before walking in.

"Foxy?" I say as if I didn't know he was in there. "Are ya okay?"

"Aye," Foxy says. "I be fine lass. Just missing me ol' friends."

"Must be hard. But, I hate seein' ya that way."

"This little pup really knows how to make an ol' pirate fox laugh." Foxy says as Maddie licks his face.

I then look at the time. 7:25. "Oh no," I say "Foxy, get back to where ya came from. We open in five minutes!"

Foxy gets up and sprints to the backroom. Dang he runs fast! I jump on to the stage along with Carrie and Bonne. Ready to preform.

Afterwards (Foxy x Cathy)Where stories live. Discover now