Chapter Eight - Someone

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Cathy's POV

"Has anyone seen Foxy lately?" I ask the others.

"Non," Bonne says. "I am afraid I have not."

"Why do you care so much anyways?" Carie asks. "Do you, like, like him."

I blush. "Only as a friend."

"Like, as if. You like him more than that and you barely even know him."

"You have to admit it, it is true." Bonne says with a slight chuckle. "You would be lying if you do not."

"Okay," I admit. "It's true. But I don't wanna be his girlfriend. I need to know more about him. I don't know what to do. Should tell him I like him?"

"Nononono. What are you thinking? You weren't discontinued that long to be that rusty with relationships." Says Carie looking at her nails. "It was only, like, 5 months. What you do-"

"Six." I say looking at the ground. "It was six months."

"Tomato tomoto. Anyways, if you wanna know more about him, become his friend first. I mean, like, you don't just barely meet a guy and be like 'I like you'. No! Just be his friend for a while then-"

We hear the front door open and close then run back on the stage and pretend to be turned off. I hear Ms. C and Leonard talking.

"Okay so just wheel him in here," Ms. C says opening a door.

"Wow this looks amazing. The kids will love Foxy's new performance room."

"Ah, yes yes. His first performance will be on Sunday. Since nobody scheduled a party for tomorrow, we won't open tomorrow. Anywho, thank you Leonard."

"No problem. Just call me up when you need me."

"Yes, I will do so. Well, best be getting home. Here, I'll walk you out."

We here the front door open, close and lock. After a few moments Foxy walks into the room. He looks so much better now. I jump off the stage as do the others. Bonne walks off and so does Carie with a wink. Leaving me alone with Foxy.

He sits on the stage. "Hey lass, I heard somethin about this 'Scratch of 91'" he says with air quotes. "What happened there?"

I then broke into tears. "I didn't mean to. I really didn't mean to."

He  then did something I didn't expect him to do. He hugged me. "Aye. I know how it feels. Ya see back in 87 I accidentally bit someone in the front of his head. I didn't mean it. After that, they closed me down for a while."

"I got closed down too. After I scratched that poor kid, I felt as if I was no one."

"Never think that." He says while wiping a tear off my cheek. "Ye be someone to me."

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