Chapter Twenty Three - Omfg Tony...

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A/N: so to clear things up, everyone cusses (some more than others) but not on stage. Oh and plus they're all in human form when they aren't performing. Enjoy!

Tony's POV

After that one girl left the crow walked straight up to me. "Hi! I'm Carie the crow! You're Tony the Tiger, right?"

"Yep that's me. Who are they? I know Cathy and Cameron already."

"Well, the bunny's Bonne. She'll be playing the violin on stage with us. The fox is Foxy he's a pirate and he tells stories to the kids at 10am and 5pm for an hour. Maddie is a pink and white puppy and she entertains the little toddlers all day."

"Don't forget about your own sister." Said a creepy pink version of Carie as she appeared.

"Yo, what's your problem?"

"Excuse me?" She said.

"Did I stutter? You can't be poppin' up in somebody face like that with yo creepy ass."

"Watch your words."

"Like as if I'm scared of you. I bet the only shit you can do is pop up in people faces and go 'boo!'"


"Oh, I'm so scared." I said sarcastically.

She cracked her knuckles. "Hmm I haven't fought anyone in a while. Looks like that's gonna change."

"You wanna fight huh? Well usually I don't hit gir- OWWWW" She kicked me where the sun don't shine. I fall to the floor. She punches me hard in the face. I black out.

Afterwards (Foxy x Cathy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora