Chapter Thirteen - Resolution?

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A/N just a little thing to clear things up. All the animatronics have a human form and Maddie has a real dog form. Also, I'm gonna try something new and have part of this be in Maddie's POV but she still can't talk an acts like a dog but she can think like a person. You'll see. And Omg!! 200+ views on mah story thx guys! Ok enough chit chat let's get onto the chapter.

Maddie's POV

For about a week things have been weird. But now everyone is sad. I don't know why though. I've actually been quite lonely this week. Nobody talked to me or anything.

I was walking around when I heard crying from the bathrooms. I go towards it to see it was Bonne. I tried to make her feel better by snuggling up next to her but she pushed me back. I try it again but she just pushed me back harder and said "Can you not see that I want to be alone?" But being the stubborn puppy I am, I went back up to her, got on my hind legs and licked her face. Then, she got mad and pushed me so hard that I banged into the wall. I blacked out.

Cathy's POV

I was pretty shocked. I mean Foxy just kissed me and said he loved me. I was happy.

"Aye, lass, what about you?"


"Ye love me back?"

"Does this answer your question?" I say before kissing him again.

"I'll take that as a yes. Well, aren't ye gonna apologize to Bonne?"

"Yes, you gonna come with me?"

"Of course, lassie."

We both started heading towards the bathrooms when we heard a bang. We rushed to the bathrooms and saw Bonne standing there with her hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes as she was staring at Maddie who was against the wall, unconscious.

"I did not mean to." Bonne said crying. "I really did not."

I rushed over to Maddie as Foxy went to get some water for her.

"What did you do?" I asked.

She told me what happened.

"I am just a terrible being." Bonne says.

"No you aren't." I say. "What you are is my best friend." I hug her and she starts to cry on my shoulder.

"But everything I do is wrong."

"No, if that's true, you'd be some psycho killer or something."


"I believe that you didn't mean to do this to Maddie and I'm sorry for yelling at you, and for hurting your feelings. But, I don't like you that way anymore. It's over. Okay?

"Okay, I forgive you."

"And I forgive you."

We break the hug and went back over to Maddie. I pick her up and took her to the backroom. Foxy comes in with the water.

"So we all good now?"

Bonne and I look at each other and smile. "Oui" we say in unison.


Bonne and I laugh. "It means 'yes' in French." Bonne says.

Foxy laughs. "Wow, well maybe ye can teach me some French sometime?"

"Ok." We say.

We splashed water on Maddie's face and she wakes up. (She's in animatronic form now btw) Her endoskeleton eyes were showing and she was angry. Oh no.

Afterwards (Foxy x Cathy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon