Chapter Twenty Five - Pinkie, What are You Doing?

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Pinkie's POV (lets see how she feels)

Oh my gosh, I fucking screwed up. Badly. I think I just lost my sister. The only family I had for about 30 years just stomped out of the room.

I was still standing there, reflecting on what I have done. I begin to tear up.

"Pinkie, are ya ok?" I hear Cathy say from behind me. Oh shit! Everyone is still here! They can't see me like this!

I teleport out of the room and into a room that hardly anyone knows about. I like this room because it's a giant mess of useless things. Everything was broken and old. There were holes in the wall from the previous time I've been in here. Now there's gonna be more.

"DAMN IT!" I yell as I through an old baseball at the wall. "WHY AM I SO FUCKIMG STUPID?!?!?" I started to mess everything up. "NOW NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME!! FUCKING NOBODY!!!" I pick up an old knife and started cutting myself. Not like anyone's gonna care. After a while I look at the knife, debating on whether to stop, continue, or just end it altogether.

Just then I hear a voice with a southern accent called out "STOP!! Ya better stop!" I turn around to see not Cathy, but her shadow counterpart.

I drop the knife. "Layla, what do you want?" I say, knowing that she likes to be called the name she had when she was a kid rather than Shadow Cathy.

She picks up the knife and throws it against the wall, making it get stuck. "Never do this!" She picks up my arm. "EVER!!!"

"How come you show up know? I haven't seen you in years!"

"Cuz reasons." She says before she disappeared.


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