Chapter Twenty Nine - Questions

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Phoebe's POV

Layla has teleported everyone back to the new arcade. She's probably explaining to everyone what happened.

I've teleported Pinkie to the backroom and put her on the floor amongst the spare parts. I made her blend in with everything else so that if someone were to come in here in the next 24 hours, she wouldn't be easily noticed.

"Please don't leave us, my beloved sister. It would never be the same without you."

I then teleport into the arcade along with everyone else. Bonne and Carie were crying at the other side of the room with Tony, Cameron and Maddie comforting them. I'm pretty sure that they have enough support, so I walk over to Layla who's talking to Cathy and Foxy. As I approach, I hear their conversation.

"So, why aren't ya crying? Aren't ya sad?" Layla asks.

"Cuz I believe she'll be okay." Cathy answers.

"Aye, I agree. Ye shouldn't be losin' faith so quickly." Foxy adds.

"Hello." I say when get to them.

"So I got some questions for y'all." Cathy says.

"Speak your mind, sis." Layla says.

"Why did you guys disappear for 'round 5 years?"

"Because we were out doin' things."

"Doin' what?" Layla gave Cathy a sort of stare. "Sorry. Nevermind."

"Well, if I be hearin' correctly, ye landlubbers have been gone for years. Why'd ye come back?" Asks Foxy.

"It was coincidence, really. We had just came back." I say.

"Come back from what?" Cathy asks.

"That, my dear sister, is a long story."

Afterwards (Foxy x Cathy)Where stories live. Discover now