Chapter Thirty Seven - You Again...

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Foxy's POV
I can't believe it... it's... it's...

"Miss me?" She says looking at me.

"I... umm... I-" I stutter

"Foxy, who is that? And why is she all broken up?" Asks Cathy. "She sure as hell worse than anyone in here."

"M-mangle... what... what ye be doin' here?"

"Unh-unh my name is Vixey." She says as she climbs in top of me. "Didn't ya miss me, honey?"

"I thought ye were... uhhh.."

"Hold up. Did she just call you honey?" Cathy asks angrily before extracting her claws that I didn't even know she had and threatening me with them. "I'll rip you and her apart!"

Bonne pulls Cathy off of me. "Easy now. We really do not need trouble right now."

"Bonne let go of me!" Cathy yells. Her eyes became her endoskeleton ones.

"Calme-toi!" Bonne says struggling to keep hold of her. "Do you not think that he needs to explain himself first?"

"Ok, fine." She shakes out of Bonne's grip and comes up to me, still with her endoskeleton eyes. "Get up, Foxy." I do so, forgetting that Vixey was on top of me and knocking her off. "Explain yourself."


"I'll gladly explain for him." Says Vixey out of nowhere. She climbs onto the ceiling to get a better look at Cathy. "Our story starts back in '87. I'm sure he's told you all about the so called bite. Well for one, he lied about that. He didn't bite anyone in '87. I did! He may have bit someone afterwards but I did the bite of '87. He was locked in the backroom at the time."

My eyes go wide. She's right. But I did attack a little kiddie in '92 and that's what got me put out order. I didn't mean it though.

"So a liar too." Says Cathy. "Keep talkin'."

"So anyways," Vixey continues. Foxy and I were the best of lovers. He would always be romantic and other kinds of stuff. But then the kids started to get the mentality that doing this to me is okay." She gestures to hee mangled self. "I couldn't take it anymore so I took a nice sized chunk out of that boy's head. This causes the whole pizzeria to be closed down and the toys and I were all deactivated. Before I was deactivated though, F-" she was cut off by Cathy.


"Oh yeah. Back then, Foxy and his friends were replaced by us, newer versions of them to look more kid friendly. We were called toys."

"Alright I get it, keep talkin'."

" Before I was deactivated, Foxy had told me that he'll wait for me to be activated once more so that he could hold me in his arms again. And look it, here I am!"

Cathy turns to me. "Well aren't ya gonna hold her in your arms like ya said?!"

"Lass, I didn't know I was going to be seein' her again." I try to explain.

"Well, low and behold, there she is!" Her eyes return to normal and a tear rolls down her cheek. "And here I was thinkin' that ya loved me..."

"I do, lass."

"I thought you loved me." Vixey says.

Cathy turns away. "Ugh! I can't take this anymore!" And she stormed out of the room.

I turn to Vixey. "Look I did love ye. But ye have been gone for so long, I couldn't be waitin' anymore. I had to let ye go."

"But Foxy I-"

"Now, look. I have a new lassie now. Her name is Cathy and she just stormed out of this room. I have to go get her before she storms out of me heart too."

And with that, I walk out the door and start looking for me love, Cathy.

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