Chapter Thirty Eight - Whelp

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**Foxy's POV**

I run out the room and through the hall, ignoring the kids posters and drawings on the walls. After I turned the corner, I see Cathy on the floor, crying. She didn't get far, considering that she only has one leg to run with. She must've tripped and hurt herself because she was gripping her leg (what's left of it).

I walk over to her and kneel beside her. "Lass I-"

"Shut up, you liar!" She scoots away from me to the point where her back is up against the wall.

"I'm sorry," I begin. "I lied to you about the bite of '87. It was really the bite of '92, I just said '87 because it sounded cooler and I thought it wouldn't matter when it was anyway. And yes, I did love her. Back in them days, we was together and all that, but too much time passed after she was deactivated; I couldn't wait anymore and I began to get the impression that she was never gonna be reactivated again, so I felt I needed to move on. When I first arrived at Carrie's and laid me eyes on you, I knew it was a sign that I was meant to be with you. These months I've spent with ye, Lass, were the best I've ever had. I wouldn't trade them for anything. I wouldn't trade you for anything. I love you, and only you."

"Ya really mean that?" She was still sniffling.

"Of course I do lass. And I promise I will always tell ye the truth from here on out. Anything ye wanna hear about me or me past, just ask."

"Thank ya, Foxy," she says. "I really needed that."

I give her my best smile. "Now let's be gettin back to the room. The others must be worried."

We stand up and I began helping her back to the room we were in when we were stopped by a voice from behind us. "Hold it right there," it says. "You're coming with us. "

** I sincerely apologize for not updating in like a year. Tbh, I completely forgot about this story with everything going on in my life. But then I got a notification from Wattpad saying that someone commented one this story saying that they hope I continue it. I forgot who it was but I'd assume that you know who you are. I'll update whenever I get the chance now, okay? Just know that it'll be kinda once or twice a month or so. Ok that's all. Peace!✌✌✌

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