Chapter Twenty - Apology and a New Friend

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Bonne's POV

It has been a week since the night guard said "Bonne nuit" and there has not been another. The pizzeria has been closed for a while because they are building something next to the Kids Room. And they have put us in the backroom until they finish.

"So, like, what do you guys they're building?" Carie asks

"Aye, I don't know but it's sure makin a boatload of noise." Foxy says.

"Hey, what's wrong with Maddie over there?" Cathy asks gesturing towards Maddie who was sitting in the corner by herself. "She seems awful sad."

"I think I know." I say before getting up a walking towards her. "Maddie, are you okay?" She whimpers.

"Look, I am not mad at you." I sit next to her. "I were you and someone did what what I have done to you and I was trying to help them I would get mad too. I am sorry I pushed you. You do not need to beat yourself up about it." She perks up and looks at me.

"Now, qui est ma jolie chienne?" I say and rub her belly. "Qui est ma jolie chienne?" *[that means "who's my pretty dog?"]*

She then tackles me to the ground and licks my face.

*[LE TIMESKIP]* about a week

Cathy's POV

We are put back on stage. Everyone leaves except for the owner who was looking at us. And I did something no one expected.

"Hey, I just want you to know we're not lifeless robots like ya think. In fact," I switch into human form. "We're not that much different from you." I nudge the others and they did the same.

She stood there shocked. "S-so you are a-alive?"

"Aye, lass." Foxy walks up behind her, scaring her. "We be walkin and talking just like ye. But, we don't want the world knowin, ya hear?"

She nods and shields her face. "Please don't hurt me!"

"Why would I hurt ya?" I ask.

"You hurt night guards."

We explained to her the whole thing with the violet guy and how we're out for vengeance.

"Wow, well I can ensure you, no more night guards."

"Thank ya."

"Well I am going to make pizza, do you guys want some?" Bonne says.

"Like, yeah!"


"Of course!"

"What about you?" Bonne says to the owner.


"Well what do we call ya?" I ask.

"They call me Ms.C, but I suppose you can call me Caren. My friends call me Carie but I don't want any confusion." She smiles.

"Oh and I almost forgot." I say before whistling. Maddie comes running in. "Maddie, we now have a new friend." She jumps onto her and licks her face.

"Goodness gracious!" She says, laughing. After a while I take Maddie off of her. "Is that everyone?"

"Yep." I say.

"No.." Carie says.

"Carie, no she's gonna scare her."

"Well at first yeah but we can explain."


"What are you talking about?" Caren asks.

"They're talking about me." Pinkie says before appearing in front of her.

"Wait the decommissioned suit from the back can walk and talk too?"

"Yes, Caren. I can also do this." She teleports behind her. "And this." She levitates a chair. "And this." I heard that in my mind and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too. "And one more thing." She became invisible.

"So you can teleport, use telekinesis, speak to me telepathically, and become invisible."

"But I won't hurt you." She says, appearing again. "We're friends right?"

"Right." They shake hands.

"My name is Pinkie."

Bonne comes in. "Votre pizza est prête." ("Your pizza is ready.")

"Meat lovers for Foxy." She says handing him his pizza. "Vegetarian for Carie. Pepperoni for Cathy. Mushroom for moi. Hawaiian for Pinkie. Cheese for our new friend. And a special dog pizza for Maddie. Bon appétit!"

We all thank her. "You are welcome."

After Caren finishes her pizza, she starts to leave. Before she walked out the door, she quietly said "There's going to be a big surprise tomorrow." Foxy, Bonne, and I look at each other with confused faces.

"What's wrong?" Carie asks us.

"Did you not hear that?" Bonne asks her.

"Well sorry I, like, don't have as good hearing as you guys."

"She just said 'there's going to be a big surprise tomorrow'." I said.

"Aye, what do ye think that means?" Foxy asks.

"I, like, don't know." Carie says.

"Me neither." Bonne says.

Pinkie just smiles and leaves.

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