Chapter Sixteen - Kill the Target

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(Its been a day.)

Bonne's POV

Now that I am fixed, I can now preform on stage again and we open up tomorrow. It is about 1:00am I walk over to my friends.

"Bonsoir, mon amis. What is going on?" I ask.

"We, like, got a night guard now." Carie says.

"Maybe that is our killer, guys. L'homme de violette. Vincent. We need to get him."

"But what if it's, like, not him? None here really knows what he looks like. It, like, wasn't him those other times"

"Well if it's not very good chance they're working for him. They all wear the same stupid outfit." Cathy adds.

"Whoa, lassies! Who ye be talkin' about?"

"The one who took our lives away. The violet guy."

"Aye, ye mean the purple man?"

"It is the same difference is it not?"

"Guys its 1:27!"

"Aye but what do I do to help ye?"

"Go into your room. Cathy will come to open your door when the time is right after that you rush down to his office downstairs and pound on the door that will help break the door. Once it breaks, it is anyone's game to get him before it is 7:20am." I explain to him.

"I don't do the bloody work 'cus I'm a white cat and it'll be obvious. The others including you can blend in with the blood quite easily. So I'm just the one lets you and Maddie out. So usually they watch me the most so I'm quite slow." Cathy says to him.

"Guys!" Carie says gesturing towards the clock.

"Wait I got something to say."

"Desole, Foxy. It will have to wait." I tell him as we all get into position.

Vincent's POV

Hehe those worthless kids. It's been so long since I've been to this place. Its been about 30 years. I remember, those six girls, I even killed a dog to see how that'd work. I've come back here to, let's say, settle some business. I plan to do something in a few months. Something I never really done before but if everything goes to plan, it'll be one the biggest things I've ever done. Why? Since FFP is closed down, I needed somewhere else. But the cops were starting to sniff my scent, so I came here to California and this was the only place I had a history with.

But now I'm sending Jeffrey in to be the night guard here. You know collect some information. He's only doing this for the money but he can't back out now. He signed a contract. Those animatronics will kill him because I know he doesn't have the skills. I send him in there with a "good luck".

Afterwards (Foxy x Cathy)Where stories live. Discover now