Thirty Five - A FIRE?!?!?

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Foxy's POV

"There's a what?!" Carie asked.

"A fire! You be deaf or somethin'?!?"

"How in tarnation is there a fire?!"

"Come look for yourself!"

I showed them the main performance room and arcade. Engulfed in flames.

"Ok, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON?! Why was I knocked out in the backroom? Why can't I remember half of you guys? Why is this place on fire? And why do I hear some kid speaking some other language?"

"There is no time for questio- wait what?" Phoebe says.

"Aye, I hear it too. I also hear some cryin' as well. Sounds like a kiddie!" I say.

I listen closely. "Wait, I hear whimperin' too." I looked at Cameron and Maddie. They weren't the ones whimpering.

We followed the crying and whimpering to the corner of a party room. There were 4 kids and 2 dogs. One girl had short hair with one long bang covering one of her eyes. Kinda how Bonne has her hair. She is the one crying and seems to be speaking French.

Another girl was rocking back and forth in the corner, repeating to herself "We're all gonna die." and kinda had a southern accent.

The other girl was just standing there with a blank expression on face.

The lad was trying to punch his way through the wall. The wall is made of bricks but that didn't stop him. He had bloody knuckles.

The 2 dogs were frantically running around. Trying to find a safe way out, I guess.

Bonne's POV

There is a girl crying and she kind of like me. I heard her say,"Maman, maman! Où es-tu? Je suistellement désolé pour obtenir sur ce planavec aucune autorisation! Je devrais avoirjamais suivi cet homme habillé en violet! Maintenant, je vais mourir dans un incendie avec ces autres enfants!" I understood her. ["Mommy, mommy! Where are you? I'm so sorry for getting on that plane without permission! I should've never followed the man dressed in purple! Now, I'm going to die in a fire with these other kids!"]

I walk up to her. She stares at me for a minute and says "Chloé?"

How did she know that? "How do you know my name?"

"Quoi?" I guess she only speaks French.

"Comment savez-vous mon nom?" I ask. ["How do you know my name?"]

" Tu ressembles beaucoup les photos, ma mère m'a montré d'elle et sa sœur. Elle a également dit que je tu ressemblent. Donc j'ai juste supposé que tu étiez Chloé." ["You look like the photos of my mom and her sister. She said that I look like you, also. So I just assumed you were Chloé."]

" Quel est le nom de ton mére?" ["What is your mom's name?"]

"Abell." Abell. She is my sister.

"I don't mean to disturb somethin', but we're about to be swallowed up in this here fire." Cathy says.

"Right. Pinkie, Phoebe, Layla. Can you teleport us out of here?" I ask.

They look at each other with worried faces. "What's wrong?" Tony asks confusingly.

"Sorry." Phoebe says.

"We can't teleport behind locked doors." They say in unison.

Vincent's POV

I stand outside staring at the blaze with a jerry can in one hand and a lighter in the other. I can't believe how stupid kids could be. They just followed me when I told them to. And they actually believed I was taking them to the police station to help find there parents. I found two girls at the airport. One was French so it was a good thing that I knew some. The other girl was frantically trying to find her parents. After that, I got two dogs of the side of the rode. Then when I was passing an alley I saw a boy kicking dirt so I took him in too. Then I found the last girl outside of a closed corner store. I got them all, shoved them into Carie Crow's, set the place and here I am standing here staring at it. I leave before the cops and firefighters and ambulances show up. But I know that the place will be burnt to the ground by the time they put the fire out. They're too late.

Sorry if that took too long but now I'm on fall break. So there should be more chapters coming soon.

Peace out!

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