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A normal evening for everyone.... People go back to their homes... Meet their lovely family and spend time with them..... This is what happens right.... Yes but not for tae... Kim Taehyung... Who is been shouted in his own house by his step mother... His sister enjoying the show and his father... He don't even care for him... He is busy in his phone...

You may think where is his mother right... Or why his own father don't care about him.... So listen... His mother died when he was two... His father loved him very much... Mr Kim loved his wife too...

But after some months a baby sitter came in their house... As tae was small and Mr Kim has to go to his company he hired a baby sitter for his beloved son....

The lady name june looked really kind and sweet... She took care of tae like her own child.... She even cared for mr Kim.... But after two months... Mr Kim came back home drunk. . ..

She saw this and showed her real face.... She left tae on the floor crying and took Mr Kim to his room..... She removed her clothes and Mr kim stared at her with lust.... He did his life's biggest mistake by doing sex with her...

After that it became their routine... When ever Mr Kim needed someone he will ask her and she would gladly be ready.... She started to treat tae badly... But Mr Kim wasn't able to see this as he was blind by his lust....

This continued till 1 year and than june got to know that she was pregnant.... When Mr Kim got to know about this he immediately married her.... Mr Kim started to take care of her.... He started to avoid tae....

When their daughter born.... Tae became a maid at his own house.... He was just 4 when he started to do almost all chores of house.... He would cry in night missing his mother....

He would stare at him father who forgot that he have a son too.... He cried silently when his father played with his step sister....

He was studying but the condition was he have to do all the works of house... He did... Whatever his mother said to him... Years passed but nothing changed except his father's love.... His father also started to scold him....

Currently tae was 17 and his so called parents wants to marry him.... He isn't ready for this... Why will he... First he is too young to be married he have dreams which he have to achieve.... And second they are forcing him to marry a person who is 2 times older than him.....

Kim mansion, busan

"YOU WILL MARRY HIM" june shouted at tae who has decided he won't be quite now...

"I WON'T"  Slap.... The moment tae spoke those two words a tight slap landed on his cheeks... He knew who was this.... His father...

"How dare you to shout on your mother... She raised you... And you piece of shit... " His father spoke glaring at him

If tae would have heard this 15 years ago he would have cried... But not now because he has heard more bad words from his father's mouth.... This doesn't affect him now...

"I am sorry but i said I won't and i won't" Tae said..

"If you won't than you have to leave my house" His step mother said...

"If you want this than ok i will leave this house... I also don't want to leave with people like you" He said and ran to his room.... Collected his clothes, his mothers photo and some money he saved...

"Remember this appa one day you will come and beg in front of me.... This people  because of whom you forgot me will leave you too.... But i won't listen to you... The way you never listened to me... Remember this... " Tae said before living his house... And never looking behind...

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