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Next day...

All of them were waiting for jen's friend sitting inside living room.... The bell ringed indicating some one has came... Maids opened the door and a girl walked inside wearing causal clothes...

"Hello jen how are you" She asked...

"I am find... Meet my family" Jen said and introduced everyone to her...

"And she is Subh my indian friend" Jen said (guess who is she)....

"Hello... Everyone so Jen told me that you wanted to have an Indian wedding" She asked...

"Yeah it's them whose marriage we are planning" Jen said pointing at taekook....

"Ohh nice to meet you... You both look perfect with each other" She smiled...

"Thank you...So can you tell us how we can do the Indian wedding" Tae asked..

"Yeah sure... In fact I am an wedding manager so I can arrange all the things and explain you all about all the rituals and ceremony as needed... Only if you don't have any problem" Subh said..

"Yeah sure... We don't have any problem right baby" Kook asked to Tae who also agreed...

"Ok than if you want to do everything as per indian than we have to follow muhurtam.... It's a particular time phase which is seen by pandits and we have to do all the ritual as per the given time.... Let me talk to our pandit first" She said and dialled Pandits no.

"Yeah... I have talked to him... And he told me that there is a great muhurtam after 2 weeks we can do the wedding after 2 weeks... Is it okay with you all" She asked...

They all looked at each other and nodded..
"Yeah it's fine" Joon said..

"Ok than I will come after 2 weeks.... Don't worry your clothes and other things will be arranged by my people.... As I run a wedding management company.... So let's meet on the function day... " Subh said and bid good byes to them before leaving

"It will be fun doing indian wedding" Tae said...

"Correct.... Now everyone complete your all works with in this two weeks as I don't want anyone to work while wedding days" Jin said strictly and all of them nodded...

2 weeks later...

Early morning trucks got parked in front of bangtan mansion.... Subh asked them to take out the stuff and start the decorations... She went inside meeting whole family...

"Good morning everyone" She said..

"Good morning" They all replied...

"So from today the wedding ceremony's are starting... First will be haldi in which we will apply turmeric powder paste on both groom and bride face.... I had already started the decorations out side... The function will be at 4 as per muhurtam... Your clothes are ready and are on the way.... And if you have any problem related to dress or other things just tell me.... I had prepared ladies clothes for bottoms so I hope you are comfortable with all the outfits.... "Subh said and they all nodded understanding what she said...

Bottoms room....

" Wow she has chosen so nice colors"jin said looking at their clothes....

"Subh this is looking so beautiful... And the concept of all the bottoms wearing same dress is so good" Jimin said looking at their dress...

"Right... We all will look so nice in this" Ami said...

"I am glad you liked the dresses now get changed I will check on tops" She said smiling at them....

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