what am I going to do!?

137 16 19

With his bag to the table, rain placed everything he needed into it to take in a very deep breathe.
Rain then grabbed the map to place to his back pocket, to then place the bag about his body to then turn to look to his door to make a face.
Sure there is no remains of the plant..... Been two weeks.....
Rain took in a very deep breathe to then grab his roller blades to the side of the door to sling it over his body, to then cock his gun that was too his one hand, to have a bottle to his other with the mixture, he then opened his door to eye about, not seeing anything he turned to spray inside of his home, to then close the door to spray before it, to then lock the door to eye about, he then poured the mixture has he started to depart to turn about to place that bottle to his bag to then go about the halls with his gun pointing everywhere, moving about, he was able to leave, to then go outside to eye about to part his lips.
He saw aliens, bugs and plants corpse's that were ozzing.
Making a disgusted face, rain then moved about to then place on his Roller blades to skate about to enjoy the sun light has he could, half way, he had to sit to the middle of the street to eat a bit to drink his water to look about.
I hope I survive this long enough to see every last of these things fucking die!
Rain then made a face to eye down .
If they all die..... Then what for you? There's no one left..... Yourll really be....
Rain shook his head to then place his water back to his bag to throw the trash to the side to then get up, he didn't want to think about that.
Going about, he then stood before a large building that looked like a grocery store to eye.
Haven't been in here yet.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then skate to the doors to then take them off, to grab a hand gun from his bag, to then slowly go in.
Inside rain almost threw up, the decomposing food was terrible, he then went to his knees to take his bag about to then grab something to place over his mouth and nose so he didn't need to smell this.
Slowly he lived the bag about to then stand up to dart his eyes to have his arms forward with the gun to look about, he then went down one aisle, to start to gauge to look down.
It was nothing but death. Human corpses, alien corpses among other things. Rain shook his head to then go down another, there were still corpses but not a lot, he took in a deep breathe to then go down, to eye each side.
His eyes widened has he saw some cans, looking through the expiration dates, to see some didn't expire for a number of years.
Rain then started to place them too his bag, going about, he went through every aisle to get all that he could.
Getting a plentiful load, he then slowly got up to strain a bit, his bag was feeling very heavy, he then stopped to gulp, turning his head, he's whole body shuttered, down the aisle he saw one of those bugs, that will get a human just to take to a plant for breeding.
The bug stayed where it was to then slowly tilt it's head to the side, rain then made a pained face has he then placed his hands over his ears.
No! Oh no no no!
Rain then moved his gun up to shoot the bug in the head until it was dead, however it was too late, he turned to run, rain could hear scurrying, fast scurrying.
Darting his eyes, he then turned his head to eye over of those fridges to get into to then go all the way to the back corner to take in deep breathes.
Shit! It just had to call it's friends! What am I going to do now! There usually 20 or 30 of them, all at one time. I have the bullets but....
Rain then shook his head to then start to hit it against the wall.
Stop it! You need to think strategy here!
Rain then turned his head to breath very hard to shake.
All the bugs were to the door to be eyeing him with there heads tilted to he side.
Rains heart started to thump unevenly in his chest.
What..... Am I going to do?
The bugs then started to go on the glass to break it open.
Rain took in very deep breathes.
They are not going to get you! Your going to survive this! Don't know yet but....
Rain then jumped has they started to really hit the glass to try and get in, rain gulped to then move his arms out to then point his gun forward.
You have the rounds, you can do this!
Rain gulped to shutter has they started to break the glass harder to get to him.
Rain then took in very deep breathes to then start to shoot, getting a couple, rain then got up has they started to really fill in, he kept shooting to them move about, he then screamed has one got passed another to nip at his ankle to make him fall down, one went for his gun to eat, while two went to either arm to sit, while another two went to his legs to sit, rain thrashed and screamed has one kept biting his ankle.
"No! Get off of me! You disgusting!"
Rain then peered his eyes down to hyperventilate to really start to shake. One of them came about to start to hiss, locked in terror, rain didn't know what to do.
The bug came slowly to him to sit to his body to then have it's stinger that subdued it's victims to then rise it up.
Rain squeezed his eyes tightly shut to whimper, tears started to come down.
I'm.... So sorry mom and dad........I.
.... Couldn't survive......
Rain then turned his head has his body was starting to go into shock, he then Furrowed his brow has something splashed to his face, to hear nothing but the bugs screaming, rain then fell into unconsciousness.

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