trying to be even kinder in this situation

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Twitching a bit, payu was lost in a nightmare he really wish he wasent having to be breathing in and out hard to have a co sweat of beads to his forehead has he thrashed about a bit.
To his dream, payu was sitting to the floor to be eyeing down to eat very slowly. He then looked up to smile.
His fiance dargo came about to then sit next to him to then hand him a drink.
Payu grabbed it to then place to the floor to go forward to place his lips to his.
Dargo placed his hands to his chest to then push him away to look around.
Payu rolled his eyes to then grab the drink too start to unscrew the cap.
"Dargo...... We haven't seen another human in the last year. Why do you keep...."
Dargo turned his head to look over payu.
"Just making sure. It's either the plants that are trying to get us or other humans looking to...."
Dargo made a hard face to look down, payu drank from his bottle to eye over him to then sit it down to go closer to dargo to place his hands to his face to caress.
"I won't let anything happen to you. Killed those assholes that tried didn't I?"
Dargo nodded to then move forward to place his lips back to payus to have it start to get a bit more involved, dargo then moved his head away to shake it.
"Wait until we get home."
Dargo then moved payus hands from his face to then look down to grab his drink, payu kept his eyes to him to then look down at his left ring finger.
"Kind of hope to find another human though. Want someone to witness our marriage. Or maybe even marry us."
Dargo lightly chuckled to then place the drink down.
"You really picked one heck of a time to propose."
Payu rolled his eyes.
"Didn't know that meteor shower was going to bring these things."
Dargo shrugged.
Payu started to go closer to place his hand to dargos package, he then looked down to dart his eyes to then look to payu.
"You are overally horny."
"Mm.... Just want to be inside of you every moment of the day. I love you dargo."
"I love you too, but we need to wait."
Payu then curled his bottom lip inward to then grab ahold of dargo to place him on top to then move his hands to his back to start to place them under his clothes to lightly scratch at his back.
"You sure?"
Dargo made a hard face.
"We need to gather food payu."
Payu pouted to then look slowly down.
"Rather eat you."
Dargo started to breathe heavily to then wrap his arms about payu to then start to really kiss, he then Furrowed his brow has he felt something to his ankle.
He then moved his head back to look over payu.
"Why are you touching my.....aaah!"
Payu jolted forward has he watched dargo be pulled away.
Rain jolted up to dart his eyes has he heard a light scream, he then grabbed his gun from under his pillow to then burst through his door to hold it up to eye about.
"What! What is it!"
Rain looked frantically around to then eye the side, payu had jolted up to breathe heavily to then eye rain to place a hand to his head.
"R.... Rain?"
Rain lowered his gun a bit to look about to then go to payu to stand to the side of him to look him over.
"Payu? What's going on?"
Payu looked to rain to then eye about to then gulp.
"Um..... Guess a.... Nightmare....."
Rains lips parted to then make a face to lower his gun even more, he knew a lot about nightmares.
"Mm.... What was it about?"
Payu took his hand down to then place both to his lap to play with his fingers.
"Dont.... Really want to talk about it....."
Rain looked to payu to slowly nod.
"Um..... Is there anything I can get you? Food? Water?"
Payu slowly shook his head to then lay soberly down to place his arms under his head to look up.
"Think just need to go back to sleep....."
Even if I don't want to.
Rain looked over him to make a hard face to remember something his mother used to tell him.
"Mm..... How about..... You sleep with me."
Payus eyes widened to then turn his head to look over rain.
Rain rolled his eyes to look to him.
"Not like that. I can make a pillow wall. Mm.... Something my mom used to tell me. If you want to keep the nightmares away, you need to not be alone so....."
Payu slowly moved up to eye over rain.
"You sure?"
Rain signed to then turn to yawn to start to go back to his bedroom.
"Not really but...... You shouldn't be alone right now so..... Come on...."
Payu parted his lips to then slowly get up to follow, inside he stood there to see rain on the bed to make a pillow wall to then go to his side to settle under the covers to look to payu.
"Come on, it's late. We both need to sleep."
Payu nodded to then go to the other side to get under the covers to lay to his side to look over the pillow wall at rain, rain darted his eyes to then turn his head to look over payu.
"Thank you for this."
Rain then went to his side to look over payu.
"You really shouldn't be alone after what ever dream you had. Also.... Know if you touch me I do have my gun somewhere. I will shot it off."
Payu rolled his eyes to then go to his back to place his hands under his head to look up.
"I won't touch you rain. You really are not my type at all."
Rain made a face.
"Mm... What is your type?"
"Everything my fiance had to offer."
"Which was?"
Payu lightly chuckled.
"Great sense of humor, loyalty, being there for me when I really needed him, a very sexy body, red luscious lips."
Rain then looked down to see payu started to pitch a tent, he then rolled his eyes to then go to his back.
"Okay, you need to stop talking about him now."
Payu turned his head to look over rain to then turn it forward to peer his eyes down to laugh .
"This can't be helped. I really..... Miss him..... He is.... The love of my life."
Payus chin started to quiver to then close his eyes to place a hand over them to hold back his tears .
Rain turned his head to look over payu to then dart his eyes, moving the pillow wall a bit he then went to payu to hold to rock him to have a clue to what his nightmare was about.
"Don't cry payu, I'm here for you, like you've been there for me....shh.... Don't cry....."
Rain signed has he rocked payu to his body not to know the two would eventually fall asleep like that.

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