In trouble

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Laying to his sleeping bag, rain looked to the ceiling to take in deep breathes has he waited for ruzie to go to sleep, he wanted to be with payu.
Peering his head to the side rain slowly got up to look over the leader who eyed him.
Rain looked to him to nod.
"We need to talk."
Rain looked to him confused to then get up, ruzie with her back to him gulp, rain then followed the leader for him to go to payu who was to his side to get up to eye over them, rain looked to payu with widened eyes
Payu nodded.
"Come with me. We all have something to discuss."
Payu took in a deep breathe to then get up to follow them, rain was behind the leader has he kept payu in front, he made sure to distance them.
Going to a secured spot the leader stopped has did rain.
"That's far enough payu."
Payu turned to look over him.
"So.....I heard you payu, are bullying rain here, for dating ruzie?"
Rain let out a sign of relieve, he believed someone had seen them.
Payu gritted his teeth.
"Who told you of this?"
The leader crossed his arms to give payu a hard look..
"That does not matter. I need to know if it's true."
Payu looked to rain who eyed him to shake his head to mouth it was not me.
Payu then looked to the leader.
"I..... Am not happy rain and ruzie are dating, bullying.....I don't believe I am to be doing such a thing."
" know the rules here payu, bullying is not tolerated. If I see it, you are too be banished and can not live here anymore. Do you understand?"
Payu nodded, the leader turned to eye over rain.
"Are you being bullied by payu?"
Rain Darted his eyes over the leader to shake his head.
"No..... He has voiced his concerns he likes.....ruzie...... Doesn't like we're....."
"So you two are dating?"
Rain gulped.
The leader placed a hand to rains shoulder to dart his eyes over him.
"You are still new here rain, there is a system to this. Both you and ruzie need to come to me. Need to also know, do not get her pregnant."
Payu made a hard face.
Rain shook his head.
"I won't."
"Good. By the end of this week, you two need to come to me so we can make it official to the entire group. For this situation, I want you and payu to stay away from the other. "
Rain nodded to watch the leader turn to leave, payu stepped to him.
"You are not going to make this official."
Rain signed to look to payu.
"What am I suppose to do?"
"Let's just leave and go back to your place. Don't really like it here anyway. I've been watching everyone, know we can take a lot of food with us."
"Payu, it's not about the food. There is people here. We can't just stay to my apartment. I.... Also don't want to be..... Just used by you. Maybe...... This is a sign."
Payus eyes narrowed to wrap his arms about.
"Rain, don't."
Rain Stepped back.
"Well payu......I don't see any other options here. Think the best would to be going to the leader by the end of the week and...... Making this official."
Payu widened his eyes.
"You can't really be serious."
Rain signed.
"I am."
Rain made a hard face to turn to then be shoved to the wall, to have payu place his hand to his mouth to place his body to his to have placed his arms in-between them to go to his ear.
"Your not even straight rain. Don't even love this woman, you love me, have sex with me and yet you're trying to make it official with her! This is.... No! I told you your mine!"
Rain made a hard face to peer his eyes to payu.
Payu looked him over..
"Don't give me that look!"
Rain rolled his eyes to start to thrash about. Payu signed to then look about, to take his free hand to rains pants to start to lower,. Rain started to thrash harder to squeeze his eyes tightly shut.
No! Sex is not going to fix this!
Payu placed his mouth to rains ear lobe to start to nibble, rain stopped thrashing to melt a bit with this.
Damnit payu!
Payu moved his mouth away a bit to breathe onto rains ear.
"Do you.... Want me?"
Rain whimpered to place his forehead to the wall to sign to then nod..
Payu couldn't help but to smile to take his free hand to his shorts to move his dick out to then probe rains hole to then slowly go in, rain couldn't help but to move his body on that length, it really did feel so good.
Payu placed his forehead to rains back, to take his hand away from his mouth to place both his hands to rains waist to grip to thrust and hard into him.
"Rain..... You can' Make this thing with ruzie....aah official.....nn..... Please don't....."
Rain was about to move his arms from between them to place his hands palm down to flex his fingers upon the wall to quietly moan.
"What else....nn... Am I suppose to do?"
"Just..... End things with her..... Seen how Treats you..... She's a bitch "
Rain gritted his teeth to turn his head to look over payu.
"You..... Do worse."
Payu stopped thrusting to open his eyes to dart them about to then look to rain.
"How is that?"
Rains eyes widened.
Rain shoved himself away from the wall to turn to being up his lower clothing to look over payu who placed himself away..
"I told you my semi feelings and you ran away here. Then you won't let me be with anyone else. This is so.... Messed up payu! I deserve to feel love and be loved in return. Just.....ugh! Leave me alone!"
Payu watched rain turn to leave to then slowly turn his head to hang out to sign.

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