these two

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Sitting to the middle, Samuel looked to the fire to then turn his head to look over rain to chew at his food, to then turn his head the other way to eye payu who sat all the way in the corner to be eyeing his food but didn't say one thing.
Samuel then looked back to the fire to furrow his brow, the two had been like this for a week and he couldn't understand why.
Sighing, he turned his head to go closer to rain to whisper in his ear.
"So...... What's going on with you and payu?"
Rain made a face to then move his head away to then get up to leave, Samuel looked up to watch rain leave to be confused to then look back at payu to widen his eyes to then look down.
Payu had seen that and he was not happy.
Signing once more, Samuel still liked payu but he did become friends with rain.
Samuel rolled his eyes to then get up to go and find rain.
Payu watched this to grit his teeth to shake his head.
Samuel likes me....uh huh rain.
To the room with the water, rain sat with his back to the wall to look forward to eye about the ripples, Samuel soon found him to then sit down next to him to eye about.
"What's going on with you two rain?"
Rain moved his legs to his chest to then wrap his arms about to make a very hard face..
"Samuel....I really don't want to talk about it."
Samuel turned his head to look over rain.
"Why? Maybe I can help."
"How can you help when you have feelings for payu?"
Samuel took in a very deep breathe to then look back to the water.
"I'm your friend rain. I don't want to come in between the two of you. So...... What is going on?"
Rain peered his eyes to the other side..
"I've told you."
"Mm..... Have you've told him?"
"Did you know Samuel....I wasent always wanting a boy? Before payu I wanted to find a girl, get married and have kids, he has messed everything up."
"How so? Also you turned down ruzie, rain, I was there to see that."
Rain started to breathe a bit harder..
"If we never had.......I know I would be still attracted to girls."
"That's not how it works rain. Rather these bugs and sorts took over or not, rather you and payu found the other or not, you still would be gay."
Rain widened his eyes to turn his head to then look to Samuel.
"I would not!"
"You most likely would have gone to have sex with a girl, wouldn't feel right, then you would go for boys.... Trust me rain....I know."
Rain parted his lips to look over Samuel to then turn his head to look forward..
"Guessing it...... Happened to you......"
"It did. Were gay rain, just have to deal with it."
"If I am......I really need to.... Move on with another boy then.... Doesn't help were down here though and that one rule where same sex can't be with the other."
Samuel rolled his eyes to then look to the water..
"I think that rule needs to be done. I've seen so many lesbians,gays and others about. There just hiding it.'
"Mm.... I've seen that too, also seen how close the leader and his second in command are."
Samuel turned his head to look over rain in surprise.
Rain couldn't help but to laugh to then sign.
"I really don't know what to do here Samuel."
"Mm.... You've talked to payu about your feelings?"
"Stupidly yes..... His very much still in love with his fiance."
"He has a fiance?"
Samuel made a face to then slowly look forward .
"Guessing the....."
"They did......I can't compete with his fiance and I really shouldn't have to."
"No you shouldn't rain. If payu can't get over his fiance who is no longer here, maybe you do need to move in with someone else."
Rain turned his head to then look to Samuel and hard.
"Are you just telling me this so you can go after payu?"
Samuel turned his head to look over rain to shake his head.
"No. You need to be happy too rain. What payu is doing to you is not at all fair. But do what you want."
Rain watched Samuel get up to then leave to dart his eyes about to then look to the water.
To a section of the plant room, payu looked over a few of them with a face to then have his head moved forward to then turn to place a hand to the back of his head to rub .
"What the...."
"You need to be better to rain. What is wrong with you!? He loves you and you treat him like this. Rain deserves better then you."
Payu raised an eye brow to watch Samuel turn to leave to then dart his eyes about has he rubbed his head.
What the hell was that!?
Payu took in a deep breathe to then go and find rain, eventually finding him, payu went to stand next to him to eye him over.
"So...... What is going on with Samuel?"
Rain kept his head forward to not say a word.
"Rain. You need to talk to me."
Rain Took in a deep breathe to still be silent. Payu narrowed his eyes .
"So.... He knows your feelings for me, said it when he yelled at me."
Rain turned his head to make a face.
Payu looked over rain has he didn't look to him and remain silent to then grab his wrist to pull him along, rain thrashed his hand about.
"Payu! Let me go!"
"We need to talk. I can't believe you talked to someone about us. He can use this against you and what then rain? Especially when you don't want to leave here. So what then!"
Rain made a face to then eye the action that payu had his hand to his wrist to keep thrashing about to be forced to go with payu.

ruined, but is it? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang