this can't be real

147 14 20

Groaning, rain made a sick face, to then move up to place a hand to his mouth to open his eyes to look about, he felt sick to his stomach.
Rain then stopped moving about before he got up, to freeze.
A guy came in with a bucket to rush to rain to place it before him.
Rain darted his eyes to then place his head into the bucket.
"You need to get it all out. Good, the treatment worked, how you've been, didn't think you would survive."
Rain then spat in the bucket to slowly mine his head up to look over this guy.
"Wh..... What?"
"One of those bugs I shot off of you. They were placing there poison inside, I know a lot about those, was trying to become a chemist before......mmm..... With what I made, I'm happy it worked. You were really out of it for the last two weeks, had fevers, chills, foaming at the mouth."
Rain made a face.
"It is the side effects of there poison, with what I gave you shortly after, it goes through your whole body to get everything out without leaving a trace of them. You are clean."
Rain parted his lips to dart his eyes over this guy to be amazed.
They looked over rain.
"Why..... Are you staring at me like that?"
Rain then placed the bucket down a little too then move his hand slowly up to then start to poke at this guy's chest, he looked down to eye to then look back up.
Rain then darted his eyes to then take a hand to his arm to then pinch to feel the pain.
They looked over rain a bit confused.
"What are you....."
Rain looked back to them.
"This is impossible! There are no other humans! I'm the last one!"
The guy shook his head.
"Apperently not. Mm... Are you hungry?"
Rain parted his lips to look over the guy to then slowly nod.
They smiled to then get up to go about, rain moved to watch him go, to then move the bucket to the side of him, to then move his hands to his blanket to move it slowly to the side to then gulp, his one foot liked purple but he's skin color was starting to fill about it, he then looked to the bandage to make a face, sighing he then darted his eyes.
He didn't know how this was possible.
Gulping with a semi dry throat he then moved slowly about to then get up to wince, his left ankle really hurt.
Making a face, he then stumbled to his dresser to change out of his clothes to then eye about.
How am I home? How would this.....
Rain took in a very deep breathe to go to his second drawer to open to grab his gun that was too the side, to take in a very deep breathe.
He then slowly went about, to raise his arm to point the gun at this guy has he went about to stop to gulp to breathe heavily.
The guy was to the stove, to then take a hand to his head to move his hair back to then place the food to the plates too then grab them to turn to widen his eyes to look to rain who stood to be taking in deep breathes to be pointing the gun at him..
They looked him over to slowly move towards the table.
"You do that, those things will burst in here. Is that what you want?"
Rain started to shake to make a hard face, he was starting to feel light headed.
The guy placed the plates down to then look to rain to see he was becoming pale.
"You really need to....."
"Shut up!"
They closed there mouths to take in a deep breathe.
Rain started to sway, they rolled there eyes to then go to him to grab the gun away to then take a hold of him to move rain to the chair to sit him down.
"You need to eat. When you were able to wake for a bit, I fed you but not a lot. You need to get your energy back up."
Rain took in very deep breathes to then turn his head with a cold sweat to look over this guy.
"This......has to be a....... Your not.... Real...."
They parted there lips to watch rain pass out.
Groaning, rain made a sick face to then slowly open his eyes to dart them about. He was too his side on his bed.
He then felt a weight to his shoulder to live his body to the side.
It was that guy again.
"You need to eat."
Rain looked down to furrow his brow to take in deep breathes, they then moved the food about the bowl to then move the spoon closer to his mouth.
Rain eyed it with doubt.
"I didn't do anything to the food. Please trust me."
Rain made a face has he felt his stomach growl, he then moved his head forward to then have the spoon be placed in to then be taken out so he could chew the food.
They watched to smile to then eye down to gather more.
Rain then made a face to get up, to then fall to the floor, they placed the bowl to the bed to go to him to rub at his back has rain threw up on the floor.
Emptying his stomach, they were able to get rain back into bed, to then help feed and make sure he got plenty of fluids.
They looked over rain who took in deep breathes has he laid to his back to have his eyes closed, his body went through hell and back.
Looking over him, they then turned to hit the couch.
Rain Furrowed his brow.
"WA..... Wait...."
They stopped to turn to eye.
"I..... Don't know if your.... Real or not but.....I.... Hate being.... Sick and alone..... Can you....."
They darted there eyes about to then look to the side of the bed, there was enough room.
"I need to sleep. Are you okay with me......"
"Don't.... Care....."
Rain then fell asleep. They then walked about to then go over the covers to lay to they're side to eye over rain to then slowly close there eyes.

ruined, but is it? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें