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To the stove, rain darted his eyes over the food he was making, to chew at his inner cheek to think about what happened last night and then what happened in the shower.
Rain shook his head to be confused with this.
He then tensed has he heard foot steps. Rain gulped to then turn the stove off to then place the pot to the side to then start to place the soup he make into the bowls.
Payu came out to then look over rain.
"What are you....."
Rain shrugged.
"Since it's more lunch I..... Decided to make this."
Payu nodded to then turn to go to the dining room table to sit to take in a very deep breathe to place his elbows to the top to cup his hands together in front of him.
Rain placed his hands to the bowls to then turn with them to go to the dining room table to then sit to place the bowl for payu before him to then do the same for him to look down to then grab his spoon to then move it about.
Payu darted his eyes over rain to then look down to sign.
Rain made a hard face.
Payu slowly looked back at rain who kept his head hung.
"Did you say something?"
Rain took in a very deep breathe.
"Um...... You signed......I asked what?"
Payu looked over rain to then look back down.
"Guess just waiting."
"You being mean to me I guess..... For."
"I'm really trying not to payu. Um..... We need to just eat....."
Payu shrugged to then slowly place food to his spoon to then start to eat.
Rain kept moving his spoon about to be thinking about the night before and what happened that morning. To then make a very hard face to then shuffle a bit uncomfortable to then place his hand to his boxers to then move about to whimper.
Why in the hell am I hard! Been barely an hour since.....ugh? I'm not even gay and yet I keep......
Eyeing up payu looked to the table that moved a bit to then look to rain to see him shuffling to then eye him confused.
"Rain? Are are you okay?"
Rain stopped to gulp.
"I'm..... Fine....."
Payu raised an eye brow to then look back down, rain signed to then peer his eyes to the side.
This is so ridiculous! Why am I being like this?
Rain then started to eat in a bit of anger.
Payu then looked up at all the noise to eye over rain.
"What is going on rain?"
"I said nothing!"
Payu scoffed to then look back down to shake his head.
"There it is." He mumbled.
Rain rolled his eyes.
"I'm not being mean to you! I'm......frustrated okay!"
Payu looked back up.
"Frustrated with what?"
Rain groaned to then look up to then look over payu to part his lips to then move a bit closer..
"Payu....are you okay?"
Payu darted his eyes about rain.
"Yes.... Why?"
"Your eyes..... There red. We're you.... Crying? Was it because of me? I didn't mean to...."
Payu took in a deep breathe to then hang his head.
"No...... It's not because of anything you did rain."
"So..... You were crying? Why?"
"I don't really want to talk about it rain. Can we just eat in...... Silence?"
Rain darted his eyes over payu to then look down.
"I'm..... Sorry payu."
"People cry rain. It's okay. Can we stop talking about it."
"We're you..... Thinking of..... After we....."
"Rain..... Please." Payu said in a hard tone.
Rain darted his eyes has the silence started to become amplified.
"Um...... So......I think we are going to need to get food next month."
Payu nodded.
Rain darted his eyes has he started to feel the tension and akwardness to then sign has he was still hard and it made him feel very uncomfortable.
Payu then slowly looked up to eye over rain.
"So.... Why did you sign?"
"Because I'm hard!"
Rain then tensed to groan. He answered that question without thinking.
Payu raised an eye brow.
He then looked back down to gulp.
"Um...... After we eat I can.... Go wherever you want to me to go so you can um..... Take care of that."
Payu then got up to go to grab two glasses to then fill with water to then go back to the table to place then down to drink his, to then place the cup down to then eye over it to then feel very awkward.
"Great..... Wherever you go your going to know what I'm doing......mm...."
"Well rain.....I don't really know what else to say so um.... Let's just eat. We don't need to keep talking about this."
Rain moved the spoon about to really eye the action.
Payu took in a deep breathe.
"Could you..... Maybe...."
Payu shook his head.
"Rain. Let's just eat and not talk okay. It'll just lead to trouble."
Rain signed.
"But...... Master.....ugh! "
Rain moved the bowl forward to then hang his head to place his hands to his eyes.
Payu looked over rain.
"Rain...... I'm sorry. Everything that has happened...... Just is confusing you....."
Payu Furrowed his brow to then look down to his bowl to feel like shit.
Rain parted his lips to then slowly look up at payu to see how much this was distressing him. Rain then gulped he then got up to then go about the table, payu slowly looked up to look across the table to see rain had left to then turn his head to look at him has he was too the side of him.
Rain made a very hard face to then step closer to then move his hands to payus face to then pull him to his mouth to kiss and hard. Payu widened his eyes by this action, rain moved his mouth with payus to then move about to then sit on payu for him to then wrap his arms about rain to move his mouth with rains to then move him to the table for them to then open there eyes has a bowl then fell to the floor to make a large noise, the two then moved there mouths from the other to then turn there heads, payu then let rain go to then go to the door to look through the hole to make a hard face, a plant was moving about to stop before the door, it's vines moved about to then start to go to the other side.
Rain turned a bit to look worried over payu.
Payu gulped to watch the plant leave to then turn to step a bit to then look over rain to part his lips. He was looking so very sexy at that moment.
Payu took in deep breathes has his eyes darted over rain to then motion with his head for them to go to the bedroom.
Rain looked over payu to then turn his head to eye the bedroom to gulp.
Payu then hung his head to look down.
"Only if you..... What um happened before.....ugh.....I don't even know......"
Rain made a hard face to then get up to go to payu to then place his hand to his wrist, payu then slowly looked up for then to eye the other for rain to take in a deep breathe to not think, he turned to then take payu to the bedroom.

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